Chapter 34: It's Killing Me

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Lauren's POV

I was not happy Camila ditched me at lunchtime. She even asked Mrs. Lopez to pass me the lunch box, not by herself. Instead of eating her lunch, which she made, in the office all by myself, I asked Normani to go out for lunch. I needed her advice anyway. Arriving at the Italian restaurant nearby which Normani chose, I didn't like what I saw. Camila was there with a woman by the other corner of the restaurant.

I was looking at them, they were laughing and Camila looked cheerful, not like in the office. Normani looked in the direction, where my eyes looked.

"Camila and Amber?!" Normani said and she looked at me.

"Amber?" I asked Normani

"Yes, Amber Heard the princess of the cosmetic industry."

I clenched my jaw, and Normani read my mood, "do you want to go to another place Lauren?"

"No, it's fine, Mani." I wanted to know what they had.

"Lauren, seriously, you have to move fast. It's Amber, not Nial, Shawn, Austin, or Liam, not Allesandro, too. That woman knows what she wants." Normani reminded me

"How do you know all those names?" those names who sent her flowers on valentine's day.

"I am your best friend Lauren. I like Camila for you. I have my little investigation, but I missed this one. Didn't see it coming," Normani said and looked at them again, "you meet your match, Lauren."

I finished my lunch in less than 10 minutes, I didn't have the mood for food right now. I told Normani, that Camila was acting differently since yesterday and avoiding me as much as possible. I also told her my doubt that all of this was because of the news out there, since Camila still asked me if I was going out with any of my women for valentine's night and she looked fine with it.

"She asked that, doesn't mean she is okay with it."

"I don't know, Mani. What Should I do? She doesn't even want to tell me what she is going to do with her holiday, most of the time, she would just tell me everything." I was worried now if Camila would no longer be nice to me. Did she lose her patience with me? Or she just never really liked me, unlike what Normani said.

"Lauren, the only thing you can and should do is talk to her, tell her your feeling. Waste no more time. I don't know what are you waiting for Lauren?"

"What if she rejected me and leave me?"

"She won't, I am sure she likes you. It's not easy to stay by your side, Lauren, I am not complaining, but she stays, at least till now. I am afraid she will not if you do nothing soon."

I looked her way. She was laughing. It should be me who made her laugh that way, but I never really did. I pissed her off most of the time. I could see how Amber flirted with her. Camila seemed to enjoy her lunch and she accompany. They left before us, from far I could tell Camila was blushing.

After lunch, we had a meeting with Normani and Taylor. Camila was with us. She looked more cheerful after lunch, which meant she enjoyed her lunch with Amber. When We finished our meeting, and Normani didn't miss the chance, she asked Camila, "Camila, I thought you will join me and Lauren for lunch, where were you?"

"Oh, I had a lunch appointment with a friend." She smiled. I looked at her, but she didn't look my way.

"Friend, or someone from valentine's day," Taylor asked

"Taylor.... next time," Camila said to Taylor, she even blushed.

"Okay...I can wait, take your time girl."

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