Chapter 64: Our Weekends

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Camila's POV

Things were fully back to normal now. We kept everything professional but we would show our affection to each other as long as it was not too much. We had our sushi and Friday lunch. I would stay over at her place on Friday until Sunday afternoon. On Wednesday we would have our little fun, but I never stayed over. The rest of the days I would do my things, and she would do hers. We would spend time talking about our wedding on the weekends when I stayed over.

It was Saturday and I forgot to tell Lauren about Mike calling me. We were sitting in her living room after Saturday lunch. She was reading and I was searching for things online on my laptop.

"Lauren..." I called her. 


"Mike called me."

She stopped what she was doing and she looked worried, "When? what he told you?"

"Thursday evening..."

"Camila...You just tell me now?"

"It's nothing to worry about, so I did not tell you as soon as possible. Since nothing was important I almost forgot that I have to tell you."

"What he said?"

"He congratulated me. He said he knew it from Mrs. Lopez. He thanked me so that I could take care of you. He also asked about my parents."

"That's it?" Lauren did not believe it, but I could not tell her everything was right, especially the bad things he said, such as I deserved someone better and she should respect and love someone first.

"Oh, yeah...he asked me not to worry about the contract when I asked him. He said I do not cause a bad reputation."

"Oh, okay. Nothing else?"

"He said, your mother might call you soon. She is happy to hear it. Did she?"

"Yea... she called and she is so happy. She likes you." Lauren smiled. "She wanted to meet us, I told her I would arrange it." Clara was her heroine.

"It would be nice..."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that you are perfect for me. I love you and you love me." I smiled.

"Thank you," she kissed my forehead. "next time, please let me know once you hung up the call from him."

"Okay..." I knew I should have told her earlier, "what did you tell your mom about me?"

"I told her, I met an angel of love who fills my days with love. She has no wings, but she has my ring."

"so you read a poem to your mom?" I chuckled.

"yea... you like it?"

"yea..." we kissed


We started to plan our wedding slowly. Lauren wanted to hire a wedding planner, but I wanted to enjoy the hustle-bustle. We decided to hire one but were not fully in charge.

"Camz..." Lauren sat closer.

"Yess...?" I was clicking on my laptop

"Do you have any request for the wedding ring?"

"Nope..." I did not want to be demanding, and I knew she got great taste anyway.


"Surprise me! Lauren Jauregui got a taste, right?"I winked at her.

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