Chapter 52 : The Investigation

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Lauren's POV

Normani and I arrived in New York by midnight. I wanted to see Camila but it was midnight, she must be sleeping. I had to wait until tomorrow. I would go to her place early morning and pick her up. I went home and tried to get some sleep but my mind would not let me.

I kept on thinking of Camila and also how to punish that loser. I was thinking which way I should use, a slow one or a fast one. I could torture him slowly and make him suffer and feel the pain slowly, or I could beat him up until he pleaded for mercy. I was not going to end his life, but one thing was for sure, I would end his career and expel him from New York.

I knew Normani and Camila would not let me use violence. Normani was my lawyer, she would try to convince me that she would make him pay for it and she would make the judge throw the book at him. Camila would be on the same side as Normani. She was an angel with a gentle heart, she didn't like violence. It was true she didn't complain when I beat up Hussey and the guy in the club, but I could see how horrified she was.

I didn't want to see Camila getting more stressed, but I could not just do nothing. He played with me. He hurt my woman. He should be punished. It was not enough if only losing his career, spending a few years in jail, and was expelled from New York. I had to think of a way how to do it and I would not let anyone, especially Camila stop me from beating him up.

I dozed off thinking of how to torture that loser. I woke up at five past eight, it was too late to pick Camila up. She must be on the way to the office with Dinah now. I took a quick shower and skipped my breakfast. I checked my phone. There was a message from Camila.

From Camila: Hi, Lauren! I was waiting for your call yesterday.

I answered a call from Ed before I dialed Camila's number when I was in the car with Peter.

Camila: Hi, you call...

Lauren: Camz, how was your sleep?

Camila: ...Good... how is Italy?

Lauren: Where are you?

Camila: ...Eh, We just arrive at the parking lot?!

Lauren: Okay, wait for me there!

Camila: Lauren? are you back in New York? (she sounded surprised)

Lauren: Yes, I will be there in five. Camz...?

Camila: ...

She was talking to Dinah, asking Dinah to go up first and she would wait for me in the car. I had reserved a parking spot next to my car for her since we were official. I told Peter to drop me off by the parking lot instead of the lobby. I just didn't want Camila to walk into that building alone. Normani told me as she heard from Dinah, that Camila was quite anxious and stressed receiving mocking looks and mean words from some people in the building.

Camila: Lauren?

Lauren: yes, baby?

Camila: I will hang up the phone.

Lauren: No.

Camila: No? but you will be here soon?

Lauren: Yea, but I didn't hear your voice yesterday. I miss you...

Camila: (she chuckled) someone finally miss me...not my cappuccino

Lauren:  it's the same thing (at least she laughed and I was happy to hear it)

Camila: When did you fly back?

Lauren: Midnight.

Camila: You didn't have to, Lern. I will be fine.

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