Chapter 15: Harry Potter or Catwoman

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Narrator's POV

It's late October, as usual the company would organize a Halloween party. Most of them were excited about the party, including Camila and Dinah even Mrs. Lopez, except Lauren. It was Tuesday a day before the party. Normani was in Lauren's office an hour ago. Camila would like to go home on time so she could run to the shop to get her costume with Dinah.

She knocked on Lauren's door, the door was open automatically, it meant Lauren was in the living room. she walked inside and saw both of them sitting on the couch talking. She smiled at Normani before she said to Lauren, "Ms. Jauregui, here is the document you asked for. Do you need anything else? I have to leave at five today."

Lauren looked at her, "It's not Thursday,Camila. You have a dinner date now on Tuesday?"

"Uh, No. Ms. Jauregui. I need to get a costume for tomorrow's party."

Lauren rolled her eyes. She didn't say anything but open the document Camila gave her.

Normani said to Camila, "what are you going to get for your costume, Camila?"

"I am still confused between two options, Ms. Kordei?"

"What are they? Maybe I could help." Normani asked.

"I was thinking Harry Potter or Cat Woman." Camila said

"Camila, it's an easy choice. Go with Cat Woman!" Normani suggested in a second.

"Why do you choose Cat Woman, Ms. Kordei?" Camila asked her while waiting for Lauren to finish the document.

"Camila, girl! You got that booty behind you. All men and women in this building , will have their eyes on you, which they already have, what I heard. " Lauren shot a look at Normani then Camila when she heard Normani said that. This woman had no filter Lauren said to herself. Camila was blushing, when Normani said that and Lauren looked at her.

"Besides, I think Harry Potter will look boring on you." Normani added.

"Yes, I think so," Camila said

"So, why are you confused?" Normani asked

"There hundreds people, must be someone else with Cat Woman costume, and would be weird if someone I don't know wearing batman." Camila share her doubt.

"Camila, you would be the hottest Cat Woman with that perfect booty of yours even the whole building wearing the same costume. Right, Lauren?" Normani said. Lauren looked at Normani and Camila, and said nothing and went back to reading her document, but she could not concentrate anymore with their conversation still going on, about Camila's booty.

"Ms. Kordei, thank you! But I could not take that compliment. I am sure, there are many women in this building who are more beautiful and have sexier booties." Camila laughed at Normani's exaggeration.

Norman continue, "Beautiful maybe, but beautiful with such booty like yours. Nah, I haven't seen one. Right, Lauren?" Lauren didn't look up this time, she just hoped Normani would stop saying Camila's booty and ended the conversation.

"No, Ms. Kordei. Don't exaggerate, please." Camila said

"No, Camila. I don't. You can ask Lauren. She loves booties and she has seen many, and she knows when she sees good one."

Now Camila was the one who wanted Normani to end this conversation. Normani seeing Lauren didn't bug, she become more and more persistent, as she sometimes saw Lauren checking on Camila's bottom. She just loved to tease Lauren.

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