Chapter 04: The Proposal II

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Camila's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen with Dinah, ready to call uncle Mike. I took my phone and dialed his number, after ten seconds, I heard uncle Mike's voice.

Michael: Hello, Good morning! Camila. Finally, you call. ( He sounded excited)

Camila: Good morning, uncle Mike. Is it too early, or should I call you back a bit later?

Michael: No, my dear. It's a perfect time. I was waiting for your call. I thought you will never call me. It's been a week and we just lost the 32nd EA last Friday.

Camila: (I smiled) Here I am, calling.

Michael: So, how is it, Camila? Are you going to accept the proposal?

Camila: .... yes, uncle Mike.

Michael: PERFECT!! (He responded with excitement). Thank you, Camila.

Camila: Uncle Mike. I have three conditions.

Michael: Yes. Tell me!

Camila: I need another job for my best friend in The Jauregui Industry. Best if in the sales or marketing department. If not, others are considerable I promise she won't disappoint you. However, professionally speaking, you can invite her for an interview first to see if she is suitable for the job

Dinah who was sitting in front of me surprised. She didn't think I would ask it for her.

Michael: and the second one?

Camila: I want to be paid a normal salary. What is written in the proposal is too much and unrealistic. I don't like this kind of privilege, uncle Mike. I want to be appreciated because of my efforts, not because I am the daughter of your best friend.

Michael: and the last one?

Camila: Looking at the case, I would need more freedom and flexibility in handling the CEO. That's all.

Michael: Camila, the first one just considered it's done. The second one, It's not a privilege, Camila. I am a businessman, don't you forget! You will be paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you will handle. Last one, as long as it won't against the laws and company's values. You will have your freedom. Sounds Good to you?

Camila: Uncle Mike, the second condition is really too much.

Michael: Camila... I understood your point of view. Keep in mind, that you are going to be an executive assistant, not an average one, but an EA to the CEO of The Jauregui Industry. Trust me, you will need all those things to support you to get the job done.

Camila: But Uncle Mike... (I tried to protest)

Michael: Camila, I am not offering you, just because you are a daughter of Ale. I have done some research about your background. Based on my experiences, this old man knows when he sees a good one. You are my last hope Camila, please do agree.

Camila: .... fine, seem I cannot say more. I will do my best uncle Mike.

Michael: Thank you, Camila. I will ask Taylor to contact you and your friend.

Camila: Thank you, Uncle Mike. Have a nice day!

Michael: You as well, Camila. You made my day. See you!

Camila: See you, Uncle Mike!

I hung up the phone, and Dinah came over to give me a tight hug. "THANK YOU, Mila!!!"

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