Chapter 27: Fluffy Feeling

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Camila's POV

A week before Christmas passed quickly as everyone was busy finishing things before the holiday. Lauren didn't show up at the Sunday brunch, we also didn't have our Saturday lunch this week. She said she got another plan. All of us were here, Taylor, Dinah, Normani, The Goslings, Austin, Mrs. Lopez, Ed, Louise, and I, nobody wanted to miss the last brunch for this year. It's our Christmas brunch. I was a little bit disappointed, that Lauren didn't show up.

During lunch, Normani told us, Lauren had to attend an event run by Halsey. I wanted to know more about Halsey, but I didn't know whom to ask. I was talking to Mrs. Lopez when I heard Normani say something about Lauren.

"It seemed Lauren had a good night, and could not wake up to make it here," Normani said.

"Yes, I saw the news this morning. She was with Kendal. Are they back together?" Taylor asked Normani.

"I don't have any idea, they are quite close, but I don't think there is anything serious," Normani explained.

"They could make a good-looking couple, tho." Mrs. Gosling said. Mrs. Gosling had a model agency, she knew Kendal as a world-class model.

I could not concentrate on Mrs. Lopez, she was aware of my absence from the conversation and she squeezed my hand, and smile. She then said,  "Let's take a picture everyone." Dinah was giving me the same look as Mrs. Lopez, they should have seen my disappointment written on my face. I knew it was impossible, Lauren was not for me. She was meant to be with a gorgeous famous model. I should stop myself from falling deeper.

After the weekend, it was my last few days before flying back to see my family in Miami. I could not wait to see them, I missed them a lot, especially Sophie. I had saved some money now, I could get a better place for them to live.

Today was my last day before my holiday. I brought some presents for my close friends in the office, not many, only Mrs. Lopez, Taylor, Louis, Ed, and Mr. Gosling. I left Dinah her present at home. I didn't buy anything for Austin but he got me a medium size teddy bear, and I would just put it in the corner of my office. I went to Lauren's room before I left.

"Lauren, I am leaving," I told her, she was looking at me before she stood up and walked toward me.

"Camila. Can I ask you something?" She said

"Yes, sure." She never asked if she wanted to ask something. It made me confused

"Why does everyone get a gift from you, and I don't?" She asked. I wanted to get her something, but I didn't know what to get. She had everything and needed nothing from me.

"Uh, I am sorry, I didn't mean to exclude you, I...." she cut me before I finished

"It seems like I am the least favorite here." Her eyes were a little sad. Even though I was thinking to stop myself from falling for her, I could not stand it when I saw her sad eyes.

"Lauren, no. I just don't know what to get you since you have everything and I don't want to buy you something that you would not like." I tried to explain. I was telling the truth.

"Okay, Fine. Have dinner with me tonight." She demanded

I agreed with her, as it was year-end, and didn't want to see her bad mood, "Okay. At seven-thirty? I need to go back to packing now. Text me the address."

"Seven thirty is good. I will pick you up."

"You don't have to, I can go by myself."

"Camila..." She stared at me

"Okay, fine. I will be ready at seven-thirty. See you!" I left her room.

I went home and pack my bag for tomorrow. I could not wait to see my family. It's almost seven now, I had to get ready for dinner. What a last-minute dinner request. At least, Lauren didn't ask me to cook for her. I wore a simple red dress tonight, just to add the Christmas feel.

I went downstairs before the time – I didn't want to keep the boss waiting. She arrived on time. Lauren asked me to choose where to go, I chose a sushi place, so she could forget that I didn't get her any present. She seemed happy with my choice, and her smile reached her eyes.

As usual, we have our dinner peacefully not much talking. One thing was not common, she was so gentle and caring tonight. She would put some food on my plate asked me to eat it. She would look at me and even smile at me gently. It made me nervous. There was something in her mind, that I could not tell. I wanted to know about Halsey or Kendal, but I could not ask her and it was killing me.

We finished our dessert and left the restaurant. She said she wanted me to come to her place for a glass of wine, but she didn't want me to miss my flight tomorrow morning, so she drove me home. When we reached my apartment, she walked me up to my apartment. I felt like I was having a date with her.

"Thank you, Lauren. You don't have to walk me up. I feel like having a date with my boss. Pick me up, buy me a nice dinner, and walk me up to the door." I said with a little laugh, she was looking at me just made me more nervous. When I got nervous, I could say something silly like this.

"You did?" She was looking at me with those gorgeous green eyes. They were so magical green.

"Yea..." I was super nervous and starting to bite my lower lip. She noticed that.

"Merry Christmas, Camila!" She said and handed me a small present she took out from her coat.

"Oh, Lauren. I feel so bad now, I didn't get you anything."

"It's fine, Camila. Just a little give and don't open it now. Open it on the day."

"Okay. Thank you." I looked at the present it was wrapped in sky blue paper with a golden ribbon. Looked like a small makeup plate.

I looked at her, "I will make you a big dinner on 30."

"Perfect! I should go now." Lauren said,

"Okay, thank you! Merry Christmas, Lauren !" I awkwardly wanted to hug her she noticed and opened her arms to hug me back

"Merry Christmas, Camila!" She hugged me tight – She smelled so good and she felt so warm, I didn't want the hug to end.

"You smelled good," she said

"You, too," I said with a small voice. I didn't see her face, but I could feel she was smiling.

I let her go finally, after like ten seconds or more. I could not hug her all night, couldn't I?

"Good night! Get inside!" she said.

"Okay, good night!"

I closed the door and leaned on it, I felt fluffy. I didn't know Dinah was standing there looking at me until I heard her pretend to clear her throat. Dinah slept in my room tonight, so we talked until we fell asleep. We both were excited for Christmas visiting our family that we hadn't seen for almost three years as they were struggling in New York.

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