Chapter 03: The Proposal

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Camila's POV

Proposal!? knew it, there was something else other than missing me and passing my mother's food. I was nervous – Uncle Mike looked serious and his eyes were just a bit too intimidating. I tried to joke and laughed to cover my nervousness. "Proposal?! Uncle Mike, I have a boyfriend."

Uncle Mike and Aunt Clara laughed. At least my joke worked this time. "Oh Girl, that's not what I mean, Camila. It's a business proposal."

I am getting confused, about what this richest businessman in the country wanted from me. I had nothing to offer. "Business proposal, Uncle Mike? I am afraid I have nothing to offer you."

Uncle Mike said, "Camila, we want you to work for us, to help us if I might put it this way."

Uncle Mike explained to me. He wanted me to join his company as an executive assistant to their CEO – who was his own daughter – Lauren Jauregui. They had a problem finding a good executive assistant who could stay longer than a month. I still didn't understand what made him think that I could help, although he explained it. I tried to reject it since I didn't like to work for someone I knew before, especially The Jaureguis. However, uncle Mike insisted I look at the proposal and asked me to consider it.

He took out a document and passed it to me, "Please take this proposal with you, and consider it. We are helping each other, Camila." I took it, It would be easier to reject over the phone. We said goodbye to each other after finishing the dessert.


I got home to our tiny apartment that I shared with my best friend - Dinah. "Hi, Mila. Where have you been?"

"Why, did you miss me, Dinah Jane?" Dinah rolled her eyes and I laughed at her. "Just a dinner with Uncle Mike, my parents' old neighbors who live here and just visited my parents. Got food from mom."

"Oh my gosh, I missed her cooking." Dinah run to me and took the bags from me. I didn't tell Dinah about the proposal yet. She would ask me to take it, as she herself always wanted to work in The Jauregui Industry.

I got into my room and open the proposal. I read thru it. I was surprised by what was all written in the proposal. It was too much. The company was willing to pay me to double, provide me with accommodation and even a car. I didn't like it. He just wanted to help me and saw me as her best friend's daughter. Who the hell wanted to pay such an amount of money to someone like me who didn't have massive experiences? This was just an unrealistic proposal to me. He just felt sorry for me, after seeing my parents in Miami. I closed the file and threw it into the drawer and went to bed.

The morning came, and I felt so unmotivated to go to work. Dinah and I worked at the same company – a car dealer company. Dinah was a salesperson – she was very good at her job, and she was the top sales. No wonder, it's Dinah Jane who just knew how to convince the customers. We did love our job, we just didn't like our manager. "Dinah, do you think I should just leave the company? I don't know how long I can stand with that jerk."

"Mila, I know, I want to quit as well, but it is not easy to get a job where we can stay together. We will keep on searching, okay? Meanwhile, hang on there," Dinah tried to motivate me. I just nodded. Dinah and I were inseparable since we were in kindergarten we had been best friends forever.

Narrator's POV

Arriving at the office, They didn't see their manager. The day went smoothly without him in the office. Camila went for lunch with Dinah and we went to a nearby restaurant.

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