Chapter 23: Realization

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Camila's POV

Lauren was in a normal mood today, not bad, neither good. It was like nothing happened, there was no bad mood yesterday, no midnight call, just nothing. I started thinking she might have many personalities.

I didn't feel like having lunch with her today. I brought her lunch to her, I would just go to the cafeteria. "Ms. Jauregui. Here is your lunch." I just put it on her desk and turned to leave.

As expected she stopped me, "Camila, aren't you going to join me?"

"I feel like eating outside today." I tried to avoid her eyes.

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked me

"Uh, No. I just want to eat at the cafeteria."

She looked at me with that five seconds look, she was thinking. "Okay, I will join you."

"Lauren, are you sure? It's the company cafeteria." Since then, she wanted to go to the cafeteria.

"What's wrong with the cafeteria?"

"I mean, you never have your lunch there, even when Normani asked you."

"I said I want to have lunch with you."

"Okay, we go to the cafeteria." If she said so. I turned to leave.

"Camila...," I turned around again and saw her pouting. Okay, this was her child's mood.

"Yes?" Let's see what she wanted

"Just have it here!" She asked

"You said, you are okay with the cafeteria." I challenged her

"Yea, I am okay with it."

"And?" she was very confusing

"I don't want others to join. Since the whole company know you"

I laughed, "No one wouldn't dare to join me if you are there." I was sure Dinah would not, too.

"Well, Normani, Bebe, Taylor, Ed, or Ryan your favorite...." she looked away after she mentioned his name. All of them are my favorite, why did she mention Mr. Gosling only?

"They seldom have lunch there, usually they go out on Friday." Only she wanted to have it inside, "Even if they will be there, you know them well. " she didn't say anything, "You can ask them to leave if you don't feel like one of them to join – as usual." So far I knew her, she would just ask people to leave her, if she didn't want that person to be around, even Normani, only in the nicest way and Normani understood her.

"Yea, then you will not like it when I am pushing people like that." She was getting annoyed.

"I am used to it, it's fine." Not, that I saw her like that for the first time, so used to it, her rudeness.

"Camila...." she was annoyed now, "Fine..., just leave me!" She gave up and looked at her phone.

I sighed, what a boss, "....Okay, I will take mine. We will have it here." I wanted to see her reaction, she didn't look up, but I saw that little smile, like someone who finally got what she wanted, but didn't want to show her victory because of using childish ways to get it. That's how to handle her child's mood.

I came back to her office, and Taylor called me.

Taylor: Camila, where do you go for lunch?

Me: I will have it inside, Tay.

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