Chapter 84: Sorry, I Can't

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Narrator's POV

Lauren wanted to go back to New York. It was the first thing that crossed her mind when she woke up in the hospital and remembered what happened that night. She was sad. She was mad and she wanted to leave everything behind. She saw Nas and she asked him to leave her alone. She also told Nas she did not want to see anyone when Nas asked her if she probably wanted to see Camila or her babies. Nas was hesitant to leave her as Camila told her to watch over Lauren. Lauren got frustrated and she called the nurse telling her that she did not want to see anyone. She told the nurse to not let anyone in without her permission.

Lauren was alone in the hospital thinking about everything that happened. She replayed everything in her head, from how she met Camila and Camila left until how she found her again and Camila asked her to leave her alone. Lauren was giving up as Camila was getting serious with Bella. Camila had clearly told her to leave her alone and to forget about her that she did not have any feelings left for her anymore. Lauren had heard it from Sofia, but to hear it from Camila herself was hitting her differently. It was no reason to stay if Camila did not want her anymore.

Going back to New York and starting a new life was what she thought when she was in the hospital. She ignored Camila's messages. Even when Lauren needed help to get some clothes and a new phone as the old one was soaked in the rain, she reached out for Dakota instead of Camila. Lauren ignored all of Camila's messages. She almost texted her back many times but she managed not to text her back. Her heart was weak seeing Luna crying, looking for her, after Camila sent her a video of Luna looking for her early morning. She did not know a two-year-old baby could remember and look for her. She did not realize her babies had claimed a place in her heart as well.

It was a rainy Friday morning. Lauren was driving to the cafe to see her babies. She finally gave in after seeing the video of Luna looking for her. Lauren was already in love with her babies and had developed a lovely bond with them, especially Luna. The video that Camila sent to Lauren shows how Luna missed Lauren like calling her mama in her sleep made Lauren's heart melt.

Camila was helpless as she did not hear from Lauren and Luna kept on asking her Mama - Lauren, so Camila decided to send her Luna's picture and video. It worked. As the result, Lauren was here stepping into the cafe.

"Lauren... oh my dear... We are worried about you. Are you feeling okay now?" Mrs. Spencer asked her when she stepped into the cafe.

"I am fine, Mrs. Spencer." She answered in a monotone.

"Oh, dear...I am relieved to finally see you. Do you want to have breakfast first, or see your babies first?" Mrs. Spencer asked with still worry written all over her face.

"I'll see them first... thank you, Ms.Spencer." Lauren gave her a thin smile and she went to the kitchen.

Lauren opened the door and she stood there looking at her three babies. Camila was not aware yet. Luna saw her first. Her face lightened up, "Mama... Mama..."

Camila turned around and saw Lauren was standing there. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. They were looking at each other. Luna ran to Lauren. She stretched her little arms out and asked Lauren to pick her up, "Mama..." Little Luna was so excited.

Lauren picked her up, "Hello... Luna..."

"Hello... Mama..." Luna touched Lauren's nose with her little hand and she hugged Lauren.

"You missed, Mama?" Lauren asked her.

"Yes... Mama..." Lauren was touched although she was not sure if Luna understood what she said. However, Lauren could see and feel that her little Luna indeed missed her. She hugged Lauren tight and did not want to leave. Camila was just standing there looking at their interaction, looking at Lauren particularly.

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