Chapter 82: The Curse's Back?

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Narrator's POV

It was the last week of October now. Lauren had been in Portland for almost three months since she found Camila. Camila still did not talk to her much. They only communicated when they had to discuss Luna and Helio. Lauren tried many times to talk to her but Camila would answer her briefly. Sometimes, Camila would brush her off. Camila kept her distance from Lauren. She kept her walls high. Camila was quiet and uptight when Lauren was around, and Camila was more relaxed and cheerful when Lauren was not around. Lauren decided not to be around her that much.

Lauren would only go there when Camila was busy. She had her routine now. She would go to the cafe every morning to play with Luna and Helio. She would leave after lunch and do her work at the apartment. Camila would have her time with the babies from the afternoon after the cafe closed. Monday was her full day with them. Lauren did not visit the house unless Camila was away. She would tell Mrs. Spencer to ask Lauren to come. It was usually either Camila went somewhere alone to have her 'me time' or Camila went on date with Bella.

It was just like today. This afternoon when Lauren finished her lunch, She went inside to kiss her babies as usual before she left. Mrs. Spencer called her.

"Lauren, you can come this evening. Camila is going to hang out with Bella." Mrs. Spencer did not use the word date. She probably just wanted to protect Lauren's feelings. Lauren looked at Camila. Camila was there doing the dishes. Lauren was jealous that Camila had been going out with Bella more than three times now. Today, Lauren could not handle her jealousy. She got into a bad mood.

"Mrs. Spencer, I can't today," Lauren replied.

"Oh, okay. You got somewhere to go?" Mrs. Spencer asked Lauren casually.

Lauren looked at Camila before she answered Mrs. Spencer, "Yes, I have a date." Camila stopped briefly what she was doing and she continued. Lauren noticed that brief stop and she knew Camila heard their conversation.

"Really, that's good for you." Mrs. Spencer was excited to hear that, "who is the lucky girl?" Mrs. Spencer asked.

"Dakota, from the hotel," Lauren said.

"Dakota Fanning?" Mrs. Spencer asked.

"Yes... you know her?" Lauren asked.

"Yea... that's a beautiful blonde girl. She just joined when I had my last year there."

"Oh..." Lauren did not expect that.

"She's such a sweetheart."

"Yes, she is..." Lauren looked at Camila again, but she was busy doing her work, "I have to go, Mrs. Spencer. Have a nice afternoon." Lauren left.

"Enjoy your date, Lauren." Mrs. Spencer looked at Camila slightly before she went outside to close the cafe.

Mrs. Spencer knew Camila wanted to move on from Lauren as she told her. She had decided for her own reason. Nobody could change her mind. Mrs. Spencer also could see how much Lauren loved Camila, but Camila did not want to be with her anymore. Mrs.Spencer felt sorry for Lauren, and she was happy if Lauren had a date. However, she preferred Camila and Lauren got back together.


Lauren was not in a good mood. She seemed to lose her patience. She smoked on the way home. She had been smoking more recently, but she made sure she did not have the smell left when she visited the babies unless she wanted Camila to get mad at her. Lauren actually did not have any date with Dakota, but she made it happen. She went to the hotel to find Dakota. Dakota was not there as she had the evening shift today, but Lauren managed to get her phone number from her colleague. Lauren called her and asked her to hang out. Dakota agreed and they met at the park a few hours before her shift. They had a little picnic in the park. Dakota was sweet and easy-going. It reminded Lauren of Kendall, but Dakota did not have that mysterious side that Kendall had. She was that carefree girl. Lauren found it easy and relaxed to talk to her. They even smoked together. They spent the late afternoon together before Dakota had to leave for work.

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