Chapter 24: The Pillow Fight

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Lauren's POV

I was in my private bedroom and Camila opened the door. I decided to tell her how I felt about her. "Camila, Can you please sit down? I need to tell you something." I asked her to come closer.

"Yes, Lauren?" She came in and sit on the bed next to me.

"Do you know why I didn't like your closeness with Ryan?"

"Lauren, I think we are over it. You told me, you think it's not professional. I understood. It's just misunderstanding." She looked at me confused


"No?" she frowned

"I didn't like how he easily makes you laugh. I am jealous of him." She didn't say anything, "I like you, Camila. I think I am in...."

She cut me off and stood up, "No, no, Lauren...don't say it. You are my boss. I am your employee. No more than that."


She shook her head, "I am sorry, Lauren. It can't be and I don't feel the same."

"Give me a chance...."

"A chance of what, to ruin our working relationship. No. I like you and respect you Lauren but not in that way." She even didn't want to listen to me


Camila's POV

It's time to check with Lauren if she needed anything before the day's end. I knocked three times, but I didn't hear anything or the door was not open automatically as she was in the living room. I opened the door and didn't see her. I went to check the private room. I knocked three times, and I didn't hear anything, when I was about to open the door she was screaming my name, I was shocked.


The door was opened and I found her sleeping in her bed. She was dreaming. Even in her dream, she yelled at me. I didn't know why I was still here working for her.

"Lauren... Lauren....Ms. Jauregui." I called her to wake her up

She opened her eyes and looked at me confused. She looked around and sat up, and didn't say anything. I went to get a glass of water and let her take her time to be fully awake. I handed her a glass of water and she took it.

"Are you okay, Lauren?" I asked her. She didn't say anything and drank her water.

"You have a long nap." She checked the time, but her watch was not on her wrist. She must have taken it off before she went to sleep.

"It's eight past four," I told her

"Did you have a bad dream?" I wanted to know what she dreamed about me. She looked at me with a look saying why did you ask such a question.

"You were screaming when I came in. Did I do something bad to you?" I laughed, she was funny with that confusing mix with a surprised look. " You shouted my name."

She was touching and shaking her messy hair. I looked at her and thought she absolutely knew how gorgeous and sexy she was. We could tell from how she effortlessly had those gorgeous women surrounded her. Life was so unfair.

"Yea, You put poison in my cappuccino." She looked at me with an annoying look.

"Really," I laughed, "well you give me the idea for Monday." I kept on laughing. She threw a pillow to my face and laughed.

"Lauren, be good, or I will make your dream come true." I threatened her. She stopped laughing and here she went again, lost in her thought with that five seconds look.

"Lauren, I am just kidding." She looked away, "Do you need anything, before I leave?"


"Okay, have a nice weekend, See you Monday." I threw the pillow back at her and run away.

She run after me, a pillow hit my back, and I turned around to pick up the pillow to throw her back but I saw she was holding another pillow.

"Lauren, Stop, Peace!" She looked at me with an evil smile telling me she wouldn't stop. I stepped back slowly, and I threw my pillow to her, and run away as fast as possible, I reached the door, but she caught me and pushed the door closed.

"Lauren, let go!" I asked, but she didn't move her hand, "Lauren..." I turned around and find her body close to mine. She was looking at me, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out I was too lost in her beautiful green eyes. I didn't know how long I was lost until she said, "have a lovely weekend, Camila!" She let her hand go and opened the door for me.

"You, too." I walked out of her room and went to my office and close the door. I could feel my heart beating fast, those green eyes could kill me one day. I shook my head and got a drink to calm myself down.

Lauren's POV

"Lauren... Lauren....Ms. Jauregui." I heard Camila call me.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, and I looked around, I was sleeping and it was a dream. She handed me a glass of water and I took it.

"Are you okay, Lauren?" She asked me. I needed water before I could speak.

"You have a long nap." I checked my watch, but I was not wearing it, I had taken it off when I slept.

"It's eight past four." She told me

"Did you have a bad dream?" I looked at her, why she asked me that.

"You were screaming when I came in. Did I do something bad to you?" She laughed. I screamed her name in my dream. " You shouted my name."

Good, she only heard her name, "Yea, You put poison in my cappuccino."

"Really," She laughed, "well you give me an idea for Monday." She was still laughing. I threw a pillow at her, and I laughed seeing her shocked face.

"Lauren, be good, or I will make your dream come true." She made me think about what I just dreamt, No, I didn't want the dream to come true.

"Lauren, I am just kidding. Do you need anything, before I leave?"


"Okay, have a nice weekend, See you Monday!" She threw the pillow back at me and run away.

I run after her and threw back the pillow which hit her back. She turned around to pick up the pillow. She wanted to throw it back but she saw another pillow in my hand.

"Lauren, Stop, Peace!" I smiled at her, I wouldn't stop. She stepped back slowly, threw her pillow at me, and run away. I run after her and caught her by the door. I wouldn't let her out.

"Lauren, let go ." She asked, but I didn't let her go.

"Lauren..." She turned around and our eyes met. Those warm brown eyes. She opened her mouth but say nothing, it made me want to kiss her, but I remembered my dream. She might say the same thing. She would reject me, "Have a lovely weekend, Camila!" I said and opened the door for her to go.

"You, too." She walked out of my office, I closed the door. I was staring at the closed door. I knew how I felt, but I didn't how to think right now. 

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