Chapter 17: Soft Spot

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Camila's POV

I reached my apartment and locked my room. I threw myself on the bed, crying and screaming. I was not only hurt but also furious. How could he cheat on me, with our good friend from the coffee shop? I put my headset on, and turned on the music as loud as possible, I fell asleep crying.

The next morning, I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were swollen from crying. I wished it was the weekend, I wanted to call in and asked for an off day, but I could neglect my responsibilities. Besides, Ms. Jauregui would think I was not professional, I was all well last night and she knew I visited my boyfriend after the party. She never liked Niall, I didn't know why to be exact. She would mock me if she found out I was cheated on and broke up with Niall.

I came out of the room, and Dinah was having her breakfast. She greeted me before I greeted her. I didn't want to look at Dinah, "Morning, Mila! I thought you stayed at Niall's."

"No, Dinah," I replied shortly to hide my nasal voice as the result of crying. She seemed to sense something wrong. "Mila..." I turned around and she saw my puffy eyes. "Oh, baby..." she came around and hugged me. I sobbed into her chest. "Sshh... it's okay." Dinah let me take my time. I pulled away and told her what happened. She was so furious, that she wanted to call Niall, but asked her not to. She asked me to take a day off, but I didn't want to. We left the apartment and I took my sunglasses with me.

Arriving at the office, I put my sunglasses on to hide my puffy eyes. I knew I could not avoid Ms. Jauregui, but at least not everyone knew it. She would come late as it was Thursday and she would never care anyway, and if she asked I would just say my cat was dead and that cold and straight face woman would just roll her eyes. I greeted back those who greeted me as usual with a smile. Some commented on my hot costume last night, some commented on my sunglasses, Nice shades, Mila. No, not all of them give compliments on my shades. Some might think what actually happened – I was hiding my eyes as I seldom put on shades in the office.

I was spending my half day in my room. Mrs. Lopez saw my puffy eyes when she came into my room. I told her what happened. She tried to comfort me and told me that I would meet someone better. I hope so, but I didn't want to think about finding someone else at this moment. I had my lunch with Taylor and Dinah. They told me, I didn't lose him, He lost me. Lunchtime finished, and I had to go back as Ms. Jauregui would be there. I was thinking to ask her if could leave earlier I could not concentrate and needed time for myself, I would just say I was not feeling well and I had finished my today task and had no meeting for her today.

I knocked on her door and she let me in. She was sitting there with her eyes on her phone. "Good afternoon, Ms. Jauregui! Today you don't have any meetings or things to review."

"Good afternoon, Camila! Okay." She didn't look up and her eyes were still on her phone. She possibly was chatting with Halsey.

"Ms. Jauregui, can I leaver earlier today?" I was still looking at her.

"Camila, I know it's Thursday. You can leave on time." She said still eyes on her phone.

"Ms. Jauregui, sorry, I mean earlier, like in an hour. I have finished everything and we don't have any meeting today." She finally looked at me, but I looked at my iPad to avoid her looking at my still a bit puffy eyes.

"Camila didn't you just meet your boyfriend last night and gave him a surprise? Was he not satisfied having you one night? Or was he too satisfied and wants more and can't wait?" She said with an angry tone. Usually, I could tolerate her being angry, sarcastic, or snappy, but not today. 

I was so angry with her attitude. I looked at her with anger and with my puffy eyes, I felt like crying again as I was holding my anger, "Fine, I would stay! Don't have to be so rude!" I snapped back and left her room by slamming her door. Mrs. Lopez was shocked looking at me, I just went straight to my room and closed it – which I usually left it opened. I didn't care what Ms. Jauregui would do with me snapping her and slamming her door. She could fire me, I just didn't care anymore. Let them come together, being cheated and being fired.

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