Chapter 28: Watch Her

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Narrator's POV

Christmas was here. They were spending the holiday with their family or their loved ones. Dinah was in California with her big family. Normani was in Texas with her family. Taylor was in New York, her parents were visiting her and her boyfriend.

Lauren was visiting her family, she only stayed for Christmas dinner. She had been living away since she was seventeen. She still could not accept that her parents made her taking the CEO position. She was her father least favorite child, she heard her parents conversation when she was seven. Michael was disappointed that their first child was intersex. Since then she seldom answer her father, neither her father would talk to her much. Her mother was the only place she felt safe. She was quite close with her siblings, but they didn't spend much time together. Lauren was till mad, suddenly her father needed her as his others children could not succeed her as CEO. Lauren thought he should be ashamed of it. Lauren chose to spend her Christmas with orphans, which only Normani knew about it.

In Miami, Camila was spending her Christmas with her parents and her sister – Sophie. They were happy to see Camila after a long time. Camila had talked to her parents that they should get a better place to live after Christmas. Camila convinced them that she made a better living now working for the Jaureguis, so she could afford a better place to live and also Sophie's education. Finally, her parents agreed to get a place close to Sophie's school.

The Cabellos spent time catching up, cooking, baking, eating and watching movies. On the twenty-fifth morning, Camila woke up earlier than the others. She decided to open the gift from Lauren. She was curious since the day she had it, but she listened to Lauren. Camila took the gift out of her bag, and slowly opened it. When she saw the box she was hoping it was not what she thought , it would be too much. When she opened it, she was shocked, indeed it was what she thought, the earrings that Lauren asked her to choose on the jewelry store. On the one hand, Camila was happy as she should be special to Lauren, if Lauren could give her something like this. On the other hand, This was too expensive, she could not accept it as Lauren was her CEO. She took the phone thinking to call Lauren, but she put it down considering it was too early and if she wanted to reject it, she should do it in person.

The Christmas holiday was over and Camila had to return to New York. She was at the airport waiting for her flight when Normani Called.

Camila: Hello, Normani!

Normani: Hello, Camila! Are you already in New York?

Camila: in a few hours, I am at the airport now.

Normani: Great! I need your help.

Camila: Yes, tell me! ( Camila was curious about what help she needed)

Normani: I heard from Lauren, you will have dinner with her today.

Camila: Yes.

Normani: Can you help me to watch her during these few days?

Camila: What do you mean, I don't get it.

Normani: I could not tell you the whole story over the phone. Basically Lauren didn't like new year. She broke up with her one and only girlfriend during the new year eve. She didn't like new year eve until now even it has been five years. I am still afraid she could do something stupid, even she promised me this year she would be fine so I could spend my new year with my family. So, could you watch her for these few days for me.

Camila: Yea, sure. But why, me? She hardly listened to me. And how am I supposed to watch her?

Normani: I could not find anyone who could keep the secret. I am not there, Halsey called her to join her new year party, but she rejected. You are the only person I knew who she invited to her place besides Halsey. You are the only one who could handle her in the office, too, and I trust you. About how, you are smart Camila I know you could figure it out something.

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