Chapter 56: Seriousness !?

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Camila's POV

It was Friday. Lauren would ask me to stay over at her place or at my place. I went to her office to inform her of today's schedule. She had only one meeting at ten with our main supplier. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Williams would attend the meeting as well. We would close the meeting with lunch. It meant Lauren and I would have business lunch, not our private Friday lunch.

I put her cappuccino on her desk and she stood up and walked to me claiming her morning kiss. She said nothing, she just came to me and captured my lips. She always took her time when we kissed. Lauren would kiss me softly and slowly. Our morning kiss in the office was always like that, soft, gentle, and slow. I would never get bored of kissing her. Lauren was a great kisser. I didn't know if it was because of love or it was just her, or both. Usually, we, or I, would stop the kiss once she was starting to get excited down there. She would protest and groan but she got used to it.


I stopped her and she was still holding my waist, "so... my Ms. Jauregui, you only got one meeting today at ten with the supplier, and the weekly review with me, that's it." She looked like she was not listening, but she was.

"Camz..." With her sweet voice, she wanted something.

"Yes?" I looked at her pretending I was suspicious.

"Let's go on vacation next weekend or Friday." She wanted a holiday.

"Italy?" I teased her.

"You want to go there?" she was taking it seriously.

If I said yes, she definitely would make it happen, "No, I am joking. Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... it is up to you?" she was looking at me with those green eyes I loved most and I was playing with her hair.

"No idea..." It would be a weekend trip, I did not have any idea. She would pay for it and I would let her decide. I wanted to ask if Normani would come with us, but I didn't ask. She would think I wanted Dinah to come with us and she would make it happen. I knew I was a girlfriend of Lauren Jauregui, money was not an issue for her, but still, I didn't want her to spoil me too much.

"Cancun? Brazil? Costa Rica? Miami?


She looked at me, "Okay, Miami"

"Lauren... no, I mean..."

"I thought you chose Miami." She frowned

"No, it's my hometown."

"So... you want to go somewhere else, you don't want to go to Miami?"

"No, If I go to Miami. I will visit my parents and stay with them."

She smiled, "you want to spend time with me only?"

"No," she pouted, "I mean yes, I definitely want to spend time with you. What I am saying is...if we go to Miami, I will visit them, and how about you?" I did not how to say it. I meant I had not told my parents about our relationship. I was certain uncle Mike did not tell my father, otherwise, my parents would have asked me about it.

"You don't want me to meet them?"

I looked at her. My question was if she wanted to meet my parents, "Yes, I want you to meet them...," I looked at her, her mood changed a bit, "...I just ... haven't told them yet."

"Okay...we can go to another place." she let me go and got back to her chair.

I sighed internally, "Lern... if you really want to meet them, we can go to Miami. I would be happy to see them."

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