Chapter 63: Only You

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Camila's POV

We were flying back to New York this afternoon. Lauren and I were meeting the estate agent to settle down the document. We were also waiting for the new car to be delivered. Lauren had bought them for me so that my parents and Sofia could live a more comfortable life. I could not deny that it was beyond comfortable. Lauren even would take care of all the monthly and annual fees. I was speechless.

I was not happy when I found out that she bought such expensive things for me. I was not that person who could easily receive things or help from others without a good and the right reason. I might sound crazy, too independent, too idealist, too dramatic, or whatever people would call it. I was raised that way and I believed in that way. I should be independent, always counting on myself, and not taking from others if not necessary. I was even more upset when she bought all the things, those expensive things without telling me in advance. I tried to suppress my anger and ended up crying.

When we were on the beach, I told Dinah about it as she noticed I was upset.

"I know you are not too proud to accept things and help from others or Lauren, Mila. You are just that independent woman who doesn't like to bother others, become the burden for others, and always count on yourself." Dinah told me after I told her what happened. She knew me well, "but I am sure Lauren doesn't see you as a burden, regardless she is super rich bitch." I laughed weakly when she said super-rich bitch. She still could make me laugh in a serious conversation. "This is just one of her ways to love you. Don't you think?"

"Yea...but she doesn't have to buy such expensive things," I answered weakly.

"Mila, let's put yourself in her shoes. You both swap places. Will you do the same thing? I am sure you will do more as you are that kind-hearted girl who loves to make people happy."

I smiled, " least she told me first."

"Yea, she should have. But I understand why she did not tell you as you will reject the idea."

I sighed, " is true...she said so." I looked at the small waves.

"You girls, just take time to learn and understand each other, and compromise," Dinah suggested.

"I hope she will tell me next time..." I trailed off. I knew I had to do my part as well. It seemed I had to get used to it, to be spoiled by her, and to get used to her way of loving me. 

"Yes...and you as well... learn to adjust yourself to have a billionaire girlfriend... nope... fiance... you are so lucky, Mila." Dinah squeezed me and laughed. "I would not complain if Mani buys me a house."

I shook my head, "DJ..."


What Dinah said made sense. I would do the same thing if I were Lauren. After talking to Dinah, I realized that what annoyed me most was Lauren never told me anything in advance. I hated it when someone decided things for me. I thought I would not be this upset. I had to get used to it, to her way of showing me her love and being this rich CEO's fiance. I knew Lauren was wealthy but I did not know she was that super-wealthy. She showed me her assets and she said she just showed me roughly, partially. Only one of her bank accounts was enough to tell how rich she was and how poor I was compared to her. I did not even have one percent of what she had.


We were ready to leave the hotel for the airport. My father looked so happy with the new car. He could not stop thanking Lauren. Lauren was grinning and asking my father to stop thanking her. I was asking if they needed help with moving to the new house. They said they would take care of it. It meant the next time when I visited my parents, I would go to the new house. We said goodbye to my parents and Sofia. Lauren told them, they could stay longer if they wanted, but my family preferred to go home and enjoyed their last days there at the simple old house.

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