Chapter 62: Another First Fight

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Lauren's POV

These days were the happiest days of my life. Camila finally gave me those three magic words, and she accepted my proposal. I would never forget last night when I propose to her and when she said yes. I would never forget that beautiful silent night. I had set the cameras to record it. I would show Camila once I finished editing it. I would do it myself, I did not trust others, and I wanted it to be ours only.

I was so nervous when I was proposing to her. I never felt that nervous for a long time. I didn't expect she would accept it. I promised her father I would make her happy and keep her beautiful smile on her face forever. We agreed to get married next year on my birthday. It made me speechless when she told me why she chose my birthday to have our wedding. I hardly said a word and I just hugged her feeling how much she loved me.

I was glad that her family, especially her father accepted me. Camila was right they were good people. I was not saying this just because they accepted me, but I could see they were good at treating others. Normani even said so. Because of that, I also wanted to make them happy. They were Camila's good family so I would treat them well.

The house they were living in right now was not theirs. They rented it. It was quite nice but could be better. I wanted to buy a house for them, but I needed to know the details they preferred especially came to location and style. I knew Camila would reject it. She would not let me do it, so I had to do it secretly. I would buy it first, then I would tell her. The house would be under her name.

I used the time I had when their family was here to find out what their dream house was. I would not ask directly. They would know and tell Camila. I would find out without them realizing it. I talked to each of them in person, separately without Camila being present. She would know it if she was with us. I found out that Sofia loved swimming and swimming pools. She loved her current house because it was not far from school and her best friends lived nearby. Her mother loved cooking, she said her happiest time was when she was in the kitchen cooking and baking. Her father loved to spend time at the garage fixing cars and things. I knew what I should buy now.

I called my agent after I knew what kind of house I was looking for. I asked them to find me some options. He got back to me before dinner time. I planned to check them out after dinner. I suggested to Camila she could have their family time watching movies or anything they could do at the hotel. I told her that I wanted to spend time with Normani. She agreed and she was not curious at all. She supported me when I wanted to spend time with my friends, as I only had Normani and Halsey.

After dinner, we left Camila, Dinah, and their family. Normani accompanied me to inspect the houses. Normani was a good one to have for such a thing. She could give her opinions from a different perspective. She also knew how to deal with documents. After spending almost three hours, we went back to the hotel. I got what I wanted. The estate agent would prepare everything ready by tomorrow morning.

We were in the car returning to the hotel.

"Camila would kill me tomorrow..." I laughed when I said it.

"She is such a good girl. You are so lucky, Lauser. She is not that gold digger, you know. Such a charming woman. Lauren Jauregui got taste."

"Yea...I am so lucky." I looked out of the window for a while thinking of how lucky I was, "I don't know how she would react. She always asks me to stop spending my money on her...even only a good dinner at a restaurant... can't imagine if she finds out about the house."

Normani laughed, "probably, you should tell her roughly what you have, Lauren. It's nothing for you, but for her is a big amount."

"I was thinking of it, too. Just to tell her roughly, so she will be a little bit more at ease."

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