Chapter 45 : First Argument...?

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Camila's POV

We were on our way home from the ranch. Lauren was driving, and I was quite sleepy as I didn't sleep much last night and I ate so much during lunch. Mrs. Humphrey made us a delicious lunch. She even prepared two boxes of food for us to take home.

I was replaying in my head what happened in the last seven hours of my life. Starting from Lauren picking me up, looking at me lovingly the whole day, paying attention to every detail, such as offering me a drink when I woke up, asking me if I liked what I saw, teaching me to ride a horse, and cut food and asking me to eat more in front of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey.

I didn't expect and didn't know if she planned this trip to ask me to be her girlfriend or if it was just a coincidence when she saw the right timing. Did it mean she knew I had stopped seeing Amber? I wanted to know, I would ask her later when she was not driving.

Lauren told me she was in love with me and she loved me. I knew she was waiting for me to say the same thing, but I didn't. It was not that I didn't love her. I fell for her deep, so deep that I could not get out of it. All of this just happened like that in less than 24 hours and I didn't expect that or see it coming, so I was a bit lost. I still didn't believe it. I was Lauren Jauregui's girlfriend and Lauren Jauregui was my girlfriend. It felt so foreign so new, but thinking of it made me have this fluffy feeling again.

"Camila...." Lauren called me as I fell asleep, "we are here."

"Eh... Oh... sorry. I fell asleep again. Not a good partner for driving."

She smiled, "It's fine, you sleep like a baby."

"Okay, thank you, Lauren. See you on Monday!" I thanked Lauren before I got off from her car.

She stopped me, "Camila..." she was looking at me a little bit annoyed


She looked away from me, and sighed, "you forgot?!"


She looked at me like I was asking a stupid question "...fine, see you Monday!"

Then I remembered, we were girlfriends. She wanted a kiss, she could just say it. I leaned closer and kissed her on her cheek. "Okay..."

She smiled and looked at me, "you remember now?"

I laughed, "It's new and I just woke up, so I got good excuses."

"Okay..." Lauren took a box from Mrs.Humphrey and passed it to me.

"Thanks...," I yawned, "I need more sleep."

"Let me walk you to the door," Lauren said.

"No, it's fine Lauren. You drove for hours, go home and have a rest. I will be fine."

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Yes, you can do it next time." I leaned in again and kissed her longer this time, "bye."


I woke up and I checked the time it was ten past seven. I had slept for three hours since I was back at four this afternoon. I refreshed myself and thinking what to cook for dinner, but I got a box of food from Mrs. Humphrey. I checked my phone, and there were messages, all from Lauren

From Lauren: Camz, I hoped you enjoy the trip (at 04.15 p.m.)

From Lauren: Hi (at 05.05 p.m.)

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