Chapter 78: Walls Up

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Narrator's POV

They were back at home. Lauren was awkwardly following them in. Camila and Mrs. Spencer took the babies into Camila's room. The house only had three bedrooms, so Camila and the babies share the same room. Lauren was sitting in the living room and she looked around. She was starting to think this house was too small for Camila and their babies.

Camila came out of her room and she left the babies with Mrs. Spencer. She wanted to talk to Lauren without Mrs. Spencer there. She needed privacy so she asked Lauren to join her outside on the porch in front of the house. Camila was thinking about how to start but Lauren spoke first.

"Thank you!" Lauren said.

Camila frowned looking at Lauren. she did not know exactly what she thanked for.

"For taking care of them, and let me meet them." Lauren was sincere but Camila was scared.


"I want to tell you something else," Camila said.

"Yea...?" She looked at Camila as if she was the most adorable person in the world.

"I slept with a guy before I left Spain and came back ."

Lauren's face changed, "who is he?" Lauren tried to keep calm but her voice came out a bit worried, "no, they are mine?" Lauren had fallen in love with the babies.

"Lauren..." Camila looked at Lauren to let her finish. Lauren stopped and nodded.

"Someone, I met in the club in Spain."

"You go to the club?" Lauren was impatient and shocked as Camila was not the one who loved to go to the club. She would not go alone.

"Lauren, please... let me finish," Lauren stopped. She was impatient. "I was drunk, and it was a one-time thing. I was afraid when I found out I was pregnant." Camila stopped. "I finally consulted with the doctor when the pregnancy was twenty-two weeks. Based on the gestational age, they're yours. I met him, a month" Camila did not say it, but Lauren got it. It was one month difference from the last time Camila had sex with Lauren before she had it with the guy she met in the club. 

 Camila looked at Lauren who was still confused and doubtful. "Although I discussed with the doctor, I was not completely sure, until they're born" Lauren frowned. "Luna got your green eyes and as they're growing up and they look like you, even though Helio doesn't have brown eyes."

"Who is that guy?" Lauren wanted to know what he looked like.

"I don't know. I don't even know his name, but he's blonde and got blue eyes."

"Okay..." Lauren was still thinking.

"I just needed to say this. I understand if you want a DNA test. I wanted, too."

"Camila..." Lauren looked at her, but Camila did not. She called her again, "Camz..." Camila looked at Lauren with one eyebrow raised, "we can have a test, but I trust you."

"...Okay... " Camila said in a low voice.


"Regardless of how the test result will turn out, they are my babies. Don't take them away from me. Otherwise..." Camila was uptight.

"Camila..." Lauren stopped her this time. She saw Camila was frightened and she did not like that. Lauren did not want to be the one who frightened her. She wanted to be the one who protected her and the one with who she felt safe. "I won't. I will never do that to you, and to them."

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