Chapter 55: Talking to Best friend

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Narrator's POV

A month passed. Things were gradually getting back to normal. Camila got her peaceful sleep back. Lauren was glad that Camila was slowly getting back to her usual self, cheerful, and friendly. Austin was sentenced to five and a half years and he was sent to jail in Texas. How he ended up with five and a half years sentence and sent to Texas jail, only Normani and Lauren knew how to do it. Lauren didn't stop there, she could find a way to make Austin suffer in jail. He got beaten up from time to time.

Michael called Taylor about the news. He also contacted Mrs. Lopez to check about Lauren and Camila's relationship. It had been a month and he had not contacted Camila, yet. Taylor told Camila that Michael called her and checked on the case and he said nothing about them and the contract. He didn't say anything about Camila and Lauren. Mrs. Lopez didn't say anything. Camila herself was still skeptical of what he was going to say about her relationship with Lauren.

Lauren herself could not care less about her father's opinion. She would protect Camila at all costs and she would not let her father ruin her relationship this time. She knew Camila was worried about it. While Camila was uncertain about this, Lauren was thinking to make Camila her fiance. Lauren wanted Camila to move in with her. Lauren didn't know if Camila would accept it or not. She needed Normani's opinion.

They were having dinner on Thursday evening in Normani's place.

"Mani...I want to make Camila my fiance" Lauren said

Normani almost choked on her food, "Are you serious, Lauren?"

"Did I look like I am joking?" Lauren glared at her. 

Normani laughed, "No...It's just like all of a sudden."

"No. I have been thinking about it..."

"Since?" Normani raised one eyebrow. They were being together for less than three months.

"Last month..." Lauren looked at Normani who was laughing. Normani still didn't believe what she just heard.

"You are together like two months, Lauren. Are you sure about it?"

"Yes. I want her to move in with me, too."

"Wow, Lauren. I didn't know you are that serious."

"I even will marry her if she let me, Mani. But I know she is not ready. I don't want to scare her away."

"Lauren...." Normani shook her head.

"Do you think she would accept it?"

"Hard to tell, Lauren. it's only two months."

Lauren sighed, "that's why I want to ask your opinion."

Normani asked, "why in hurry?"

"I am not just in love with her, Mani. I know she is the one. I do love her. I know when I love someone. I don't make a mistake. I don't like to waste any time."

Normani was happy to see Lauren like this, full of love. "any other reason?"

"I can wake up with her by my side every morning" Lauren smiled

"Every morning and every night, huh?" Normani teased her

Lauren gave Normani a playful death glare, "You know well...."

"Seriously, Lauren, why in rush?"

"I could protect her better if she is by my side, Mani."

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