Chapter 20 : Secret Meeting

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Narrator's POV

It's December, mean Christmas was here. Camila was planning to visit her family during the Christmas. Dinah would also visit her family who now settled down in California. The J Industry were starting to welcome the Christmas by decorating every corner of the building and floors.

It was first Thursday morning in December. Lauren supposed to be not in the office in the morning as usual, but she came this morning at ten. Camila didn't expect it as Lauren never came on Thursday morning. She received a call from Mr.Gosling who invited her to his office for meeting.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lopez!" Lauren greeted Mrs. Lopez

"Good morning, Lauren! I didn't know you will come in the morning today. I will call Camila." Mrs. Lopez surprised and she picked up her phone looking for Camila's contact.

"Where is she?" Lauren was suspicious.

"She went to Gosling. He called for a meeting this morning." Mrs. Lopez said.

"No, don't need to call. I will go there." Lauren said and left for Gosling's office.

Lauren's POV

I was in the elevator going to Gosling's floor wondering if it was how they got closer. They met every Thursday morning when I was not here. I reached Gosling's floor and went straight to his office. I could see from far from the glass window, they were talking and laughing in his room. Gosling saw me approaching, he stood up, and Camila looked at my way and Gosling opened the door waiting for me.

"Hey, Lauren, I thought you will not come until afternoon." Gosling greeted me. I smiled thinly and looked at Camila , "Good morning, Ms. Jauregui! I didn't know you will come in the morning today." She smiled at me with a little surprise written on her face.

"Start a meeting without me?" I asked Camila coldly.

"No, Ms. Jauregui. I just came here for urgent meeting about the annual report." Camila answered

I saw Camila holding a winter gloves, "Annual report, is it not too early for that. Supposed to be next two weeks." I didn't like what I was looking at the gloves. Annual report or annual gift.

"Lauren, I saw some odd numbers from California branch yesterday. I would like to inform you. Since you were not in the office yet, I asked Camila to come and also I want to give her the gloves that I have promised her." Gosling explained and smiling at Camila who was smiling back at him, and showing the gloves I supposed Gosling knitted for her.

"Odd numbers?" I asked and ignored Camila's silly face.

"Yes, something wrong with it. I could not figure it out yet, but it's under investigation. I will let you know once I find something. I will need Ed's help for this."

"Good! Let me know soon, and talk to me before we execute if it's something wrong." I said. If anyone being deceitful under me, I would get rid of them doing my way.

"Yes, definitely." He said giving me a serious face.

"Anything else?" I asked

"No, it's only that. I have explained the details to Camila. If you need to hear from me, let's sit down." Gosling offered me to come in that he could explain to me in person.

"No, It's fine Ryan. It's end of year, I don't want to add extra job for you. Camila will explain to me." I looked at Camila.

"Shall we go back to the office, Ms. Cabello?" I asked her.

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