Chapter 70: Where's Camila

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Narrator's POV

It was Monday morning, the second week of December. Lauren was bored at home and she decided to go to the office today. Lauren was in the office with Normani and Mr. Cooper reviewing the proposal and the contract from the new suppliers for next year. They would have to decide by the end of the week which supplier they were going to use. The meeting ended one hour before lunchtime. Mr. Cooper left and Normani stayed so she could have lunch with Lauren.

"Mani, Where do you think Camila is?"

Normani smiled weakly. Lauren would mention Camila and ask such questions when she could not help missing her, "Hmm... I hope she is in Texas... cooking some chickens." Normani tried to make the conversation light and easy.

Lauren smiled weakly, "Do you think she is working now at some company, being an EA to another bitch?" Lauren imagined Camila working. Normani was sad looking at her best friend like this, but she did not want to be sad, so Lauren would not get sadder.

"You know what. I think she could be a boss now, you know how bossy she could be." Normani tried to make it cheerful.

"A boss...of what kind of business?"

"Restaurant? since she loves to eat and cook?"

Lauren chuckled but her eyes were sad, "Yea... can imagine she does that..." Lauren trailed off and looked out of the window.

Normani's heart ached, "Lauren... we will find her, okay?"

Lauren was still looking out of the window and her voice was small, "yea... I miss her."

Normani could feel Lauren's pain, "yea... we all do..."


Another week passed, and there was not any news about Camila. It was a week before Christmas week. Camila did not contact her parents during Thanksgiving. It was likely she would not contact them during Christmas. Lauren just hoped that Camila was healthy and safe. Sofia told Lauren that she heard her parents crying during Thanksgiving. They said it like Camila was dead. Lauren cried when Sofia told her that. She felt that she had killed their daughter.

On Wednesday, Normani went to Lauren who was at home for lunch. Normani was not only going there for lunch and checking Lauren but also to update her about her investigation. Normani told Lauren she would come with Dinah. Lauren did not have any problem with Dinah, but Dinah had avoided her since Camila left. She was her big boss but also the one who made Camila leave. Dinah had been convinced by Normani that it was not Lauren's fault. Normani also might need Dinah's help when she informed Lauren about her new finding, just in case she needed her help to stop Lauren from being impulsive.

They came at one and Lauren had prepared the food. She did not cook, she ordered something in. Normani planned to tell Lauren after lunch. She wanted to see her best friend eat first. Lauren met Dinah for the first time after that day when Camila left. They texted each other updating about Camila and the apartment but they did not see each other in person. It was a little bit awkward but Dinah gave Lauren a long hug and said, "We will find, Mila..." Dinah also could not help seeing Lauren like this. Lauren was as sorrowful as she was.

They had their lunch peacefully. They talked about their Christmas and New Year plan. It was hard to make a conversation without mentioning Camila. Normani said she would stay here in New York for this year. She invited her parents to come to New York. Normani was doing it because she wanted to be here with Lauren. She was afraid that Lauren would be haunted by her past New Year's Eve trauma, and Camila was not found yet. Even though Normani did not say it, Lauren knew Normani did it for her. She wanted to be here with Lauren, a fragile time for Lauren.

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