Chapter 59 : Three Magic Words

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Camila's POV

I felt way better after opening up and talking about the things that had been bothering me with Lauren. Lauren was very understanding and I knew she would do anything to make me less worried. The week passed by fast. After the talk, I let Lauren express her affection a little bit more when we were in public at the J Industry building. I let her kiss me, as long as it was not too passionate. I would touch her face and react to her affection, nothing more. I just did not want too much PDA when we were working in a professional setting.

We still had our morning kiss, and our sushi lunch on Wednesday, and I decided to have lunch with her again on Friday. Next Friday, as this Friday we would be flying to Miami. I made Wednesday our day. We would have our sushi lunch and we could have a little fun after office if we felt like it. Lauren was grinning when I told her she could have her way on Wednesday after office hours.

I called my parents and my sister telling them that I would come home during the weekend. They were so excited just like every time I told them. I knew they missed me, as much as I missed them, but for now, I wanted to live in New York and enjoyed my life.

I told my parents and sister about Lauren. Sofia wanted to see Lauren and she asked for her picture. I sent her our Halloween picture and she protested saying she wanted a picture with an uncovered face. Then I sent her the picture that we took in Italy. Sofia said, Lauren seemed like a nice person and she was beautiful and hot. It seemed that my little sister was growing up now. I hoped they both could get along well.

My mother did not say much. She just asked me why I just told them now since usually, I would tell them if I got official with someone. Even though I told them when I was seeing Amber, that we were not even official. I told her I was waiting for the right time and now I felt it was the time to tell them. My mother had her own conclusion. She said my expectation that Lauren would be the one was holding me back from telling them, as I was afraid it would not work out and things could go wrong. I thought over again, it was true. Expectation could make us nervous as we feared that things could go wrong, and fear possibly losing someone or something that we wanted.

My father seemed not to like it when he heard it. I never told them how difficult it was to handle Lauren at the beginning, just like I never told them about my previous jobs. When I became Lauren's EA, they asked me how thing was going on. I told them there were so many things to learn but people were quite supportive. I just did not want them to worry about me as they always did. I was a big girl now, I could take care of myself well.

I told my father, that Lauren treated me well and he tried to trust me even though I could see worries written all over his face. He heard too many bad things about Lauren from Mike. I told him to trust me, and I told him I really loved Lauren and I never loved someone this much. He understood and he always trusted me anyway. I knew it was both, my persistence and my judgment that made him trust my decision. It was proven when I was a teenager. I also asked him about Mike. He said that was a story to tell when we met in person.


It was Friday morning. We were flying in Lauren's private jet to Miami. Dinah was so excited about our long weekend trip. She missed Miami and she missed my mother's cooking. I sat next to Lauren and cuddled up to her. Dinah was with Normani sitting on the opposite side. Normani was looking at us.

Normani was different from Lauren. Lauren always looked cold and not friendly as Normani, but she was that lovey-dovey type of person when came to love when she was with me. On the other hand, Normani who appeared to be more friendly and warm in general did not show much PDA. Probably, they were keeping things slow, but still, she was not the one who would show too much affection in public like Lauren.

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