Chapter 57: Ignoring Me, Ignoring You

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Narrator's POV

Lauren woke up before Camila. She saw Camila was sleeping peacefully next to her and one of her hands was on top of Lauren's stomach. She took her time to enjoy the angelic beauty of her favorite person in the world. She remembered how she rejected Camila in the car and in the bathroom. Actually, it was hard for Lauren to reject Camila. By thinking of that, her member down there twitched. Lauren closed her eyes when Camila moved. She was feeling awkward after what happened last night.

Camila moved and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Lauren and her eyes were closed. She thought Lauren was still sleeping. Camila snuggled up against Lauren. She threw one leg crossed Lauren and she could feel Lauren's buddy. Lauren reacted subtly and Camila realized that Lauren was already woken up. Camila moved her leg and gave Lauren pressure on her buddy.

Lauren was holding her breath. Camila stopped but her thigh was still on Lauren's buddy. Lauren let go of her breath and Camila smiled, but both of them were still with closed eyes. Camila was starting to place a soft kiss on Lauren's neck, but no reaction from Lauren. She moved her hand on Lauren's abs. She moved slowly to the south, but she stopped and didn't go further. Camila was teasing Lauren and she caressed her skin a few centimeters away above the buddy. Camila could feel Lauren was a little bit tense.

No reaction from Lauren, Camila deepened her kiss on Lauren's neck and moved her hand to Lauren's breast. Lauren was turned on, Camila as well, but neither of them wants to make a further move. It was hard to reject Camila but Lauren was still a little bit awkward and she wanted to talk to Camila first about the unfinished conversation in the office. While Camila missed Lauren, she needed the intimation. There was not any reaction from Lauren except for her buddy. It made Camila think, that Lauren rejected her again. Camila lost her patience and she stopped.

Camila turned to another side and thought. Lauren released her breath but she still had a semi-hard-on member. Camila got up and opened the nightstand drawers looking for something. Lauren opened her eyes when she heard the sound and she looked at Camila. She thought Camila was looking for a condom, but Lauren was wrong. Camila found what she was looking for, a sex toy. She ignored Lauren. Lauren thought she might want to seduce Lauren and did herself in front of Lauren. Again, Lauren was wrong. With the sex toy in her hand, Camila glanced at Lauren once, it was the first time their eyes met today before she was heading to the door.

"Camila, Where are you going?" Lauren didn't expect that. Camila didn't answer her and Lauren stopped her again, "Camz..."

Camila was angry but she was already turned on so she needed to finish her business herself if Lauren was not into it. Camila wanted to take her little revenge showing that she didn't need Lauren.

"Where I am going? Well, I am going to use this thing," Camila lifted her hand which was holding a dildo, "which I usually used when I was with Niall, and I never used it when I was with Amber." By saying that, Camila shut the door and left Lauren.

Camila's reply hit Lauren's ego. She was angry and frustrated. Jealousy got to her when Camila answered her like that and mentioned Amber's name. Camila succeeded in making Lauren feel useless and jealous. Lauren was sitting there feeling like a fool and pissed off. The sex goddess felt offended and there was no sign Camila would come back to the room.

Lauren who was only wearing a thin t-shirt and a boxer with her semi-hard-on decided to went outside to find Camila. She didn't find her in the shared bathroom. It was not possible in Dinah's room. Where she could be, Lauren went to the guest bedroom and opened the door. Camila was in the bed doing herself a favor, half-naked. Camila heard the door open but she ignored it. She was quite certain that Lauren would come to find her. Camila was laying there with her eyes closed. She was touching herself and using her sex toy.

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