Chapter 65: Trust Me

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Camila's POV

It was the end of September. Yesterday, during the sushi lunch which Normani and Dinah also joined, Normani was already excited about the Halloween party and she asked me what I was going to wear. I told her I should discuss it with Lauren. It was definitely something black and effortless.

I arrived at the office as usual. It was fifteen past nine and Lauren was not here yet. She did not inform Mrs. Lopez or me. I tried to reach her via message and call but no answer I was starting to worry as she had never been like this, being late without information. She always answered my phone call. I hoped nothing bad happen to her.

I asked Normani if she knew where Lauren was. She said no. She only knew last night she went out with Halsey. I just hung up the call with Normani. Dinah texted me. She asked me to stay calm and check the news. I did not like what I saw. Lauren was all over the news. The news was about her and Kendall seeing each other last night and she went inside her place and had not left until now. The media called it their on-off relationship.

I could feel my blood boiling. She went to see her again and she stayed the night at her place. She did not even tell me where she was and I had to find out this way, thru the media. Even worse, it mentioned her cheating on me, her fiance, who was also her EA. I closed the news and I saw Mrs. Lopes was by the door, "Camila... Lauren just texted me that she will be late."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lopez. I know."

"Did she text you?" If she was going to be late, she would tell Mrs. Lopez first.

"No, I saw the news..." I did not say anything but she read my expression.

"Oh, dear..." she checked on her phone, "if you want to take a day off, I would take care of everything."

"Okay, there is nothing urgent today. I will go home..."

"Okay, talk to her, we cannot trust the media... they are doing business, too."

"Yea... Mrs. Lopez... thank you." I took my bag and left the office. Some people were looking at me, but not in a mean way. They all must have read about it.


I texted Dinah, that I would take the car and go home. She asked me if I needed her, and I told her I would be fine. I just needed to clear my mind. It was true I could not just trust the news, but this thing between Lauren and Kendall was one thing she never really told me. She did not text me until almost ten and she texted Mrs. Lopez. I left the building heading nowhere. I turned off my phone. I just drove around, lost in the traffic and I ended up in Brooklyn at Ally's coffee shop.

Ally's face lightened up when she saw me, but she saw my thin smile. Ally guided me to the best seat by the corner and she made me mango berry juice and a big slice of chocolate. She knew what I needed as she also had read the news.

"Mila, sorry to hear that, but I am happy you come here." Ally said

"Thanks, Ally. I just wanted to get away to calm myself."

"Yes, I understand. better talk to Lauren when you are calmer."

"Yea...I started to think we move too fast..." I was playing with my ring.

"Mila... the media can say anything they like. Communication and honesty between you two, are the most important things. You have a famous fiance who the media love. you will learn how to cope with it. " Ally air-quoted the love word


Ally sat down with me and accompanied me. She would once in a while talk to the customers, but she would always come back to me. We talked about her and Liam which I did not manage to ask her much during our Sunday brunch. I also told her about Lauren. She suggested I give her a chance to explain. I would do so, but after I was calmer. I needed to calm down. 

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