Chapter 73: Two Years Later

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Narrator's POV

It was at five p.m. on the thirty-first of December.

Normani: Lauren... (Normani was excited to answer the call from Lauren)

Lauren: Hi, Mani...

Normani: How is it going? Where are you now?

Lauren: (Lauren chuckled)

Normani: Lauren?

Lauren: Open the door, please...

Normani: You are here?

Lauren: Yes...

Normani: Texas?

Lauren: Yes...

Normani could never run this fast in her life. She opened it. Lauren was standing there smiling. Normani's mouth was agape, she was surprised to see Lauren in front of her door. She did not expect it. Unfortunately, she was alone without Camila. However, Normani was overjoyed to see her best friend in person. She last since twenty-three months ago, almost two years.

"Lauren..." Normani was so excited she hugged Lauren tightly. She was so emotional. She missed her best friend so much, "I missed you..."

Lauren blinked and gulped, she was trying to hold her tears, "I missed you, too, Mani."

They let go of each other and Normani looked at Lauren from head to toes. Lauren was still with her style almost all black. She looked thinner, she must lose about fifteen pounds or more. She was too slim but she looked quite fit even though her eyes were still not as bright as when she was with Camila. Normani still saw the dull eyes, a hint of sadness, behind Lauren's smiling face. Normani would prefer to see her fake death stare in these dull eyes.

"You are still in one piece." Normani joked.

"Yea... do you make some chicken today?" Lauren joked back.

"Yes, you know it... come in..." Normani invited Lauren in. It was not her house in New York, but her parents in Texas. Lauren had planned her route to stop by in Texas to see Normani once she knew Normani would be in Texas for this New Year.

Normani's parents were so happy to see Lauren as well. They loved Lauren and treated her as her own daughter.  Normani showed Lauren to the guest bedroom. Lauren needed a warm bath and she planned to stay a night to pass New Year's Eve with Normani. They decided to start the dinner sooner as Lauren was here. Normani looked at how Lauren ate. There was nothing changed, she ate quietly and slowly enjoying the food. She seemed to have a good appetite now compare to the last time before she left. She still lost weight tho, but probably she loved the chicken Normani made, or probably she needed someone to have the meal with her.

After dinner, Mr.and Mrs. Kordei were spending the rest of the night in the living room watching TV. Normani and Lauren decided to go to the city to find some fresh air and enjoyed the fireworks. They needed to catch up on how life was treating them. First three months, they would contact each other on weekly basis. After three months, they kept it monthly basis as they were quite busy with their own schedules. They would call each other but seldom video call, only on certain occasions such as their birthdays. Lauren would send Normani pictures of interesting things she encountered on the road. this was the way to tell Normani she was doing fine. She never sent a picture of herself. It was Lauren. she did not like to take her own picture. While Normani would send the pictures of food, either something she ate, cooked, or Lauren's favorite. She just wanted to make sure, Lauren did not forget to eat.

Normani told Lauren, that her law firm was doing well, gradually having more clients. She thanked Lauren for the support. She also told Lauren that Patrick, her personal assistant in the J Industry, had joined her firm. Normani also updated Lauren about the J Industry. She said almost everyone was still there including Dinah, except Mr. Williams who decided to retire. Lauren was the one who encouraged Dinah to stay. She was not only encouraging Dinah to stay, but she also had handed over the J Industry's shares she had to Normani. In the beginning, Normani did not want to accept it, but Lauren insisted that she did not want anything to do with Mike anymore. However, she preferred Normani to have it instead of others. It was not much only ten percent but it was more than enough to support Normani's own business.

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