Chapter 79: Don't Leave Me Again

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Dinah's POV

I touched down at Portland airport today. Camila did not call me during the weekend and I could not wait any longer. Normani said it was not a good idea, but she knew she could not stop me. I missed my one and only best friend too much that I could not wait any longer. Camila could kill me instead of Lauren if she did not like it. I did not care, I wanted to hug her.

I would be staying at the hotel where Lauren stay. I would meet her before Camila. I missed her as well and she found my Mila. I texted Lauren before I board the plane that I would arrive at the hotel before lunchtime. She was a little bit surprised but she understood and could see what happened. She told me she would be at the hotel since it was Monday. The cafe was not open today and Camila would spend her time with the babies.

The babies were one of the things that made me excited as well. I could not imagine how cute they could be. Lauren did not send any pictures of them to Normani yet. She had to learn how to do it. They were twins. I got two, a niece and a nephew. I wanted to squeeze them already. They were definitely the cutest babies I would see.

I checked in at the hotel at twelve-thirty. This hotel was not Lauren's standard. It was a good hotel, it was just not her five stars and above the hotel, she used to have. She was not the CEO of the J Industry anymore, but she still could afford it easily. Probably, road trip life had changed her. I went to my room and refreshed myself before texting Lauren that I was here. We met in the lobby.

"Lauren..." I hugged her. I did not see her for almost three years. She did look skinny and her face and her stare were a bit softer.


"Thank you..." I hugged her and thanked her for finding Camila.

She smiled, "I texted you the address. I got the number, but I can't give you."

"It's okay. The address is enough."

"She's probably at home, or going to a park."

" did not go there today?" I asked her.

"We met this morning," Lauren told me. "We  went to the bank to set up a joint account and went to do the DNA test."

"Oh, Okay. I got to go now. I can't wait to see her."

"You can use my car. I am not going anywhere." Lauren said that she wanted to stay at the hotel and search for houses that she could recommend to Camila.

"Are you sure?" I looked at Lauren. I did not understand why Camila was so cold to her. Lauren still looked gorgeous but her eyes looked soft but sad and weak. I would prefer to see her bitchy side as she was not weak and full of energy. She looked too fragile now. I even loved her more now.

"Yea.." she smiled weakly and handed me the key.

"Okay... I will treat you to dinner. You need to eat more..." I teased her.

"Yea..." She said. She was still that Lauren not talking much. Lauren showed me the car she rented.

"Okay...see you later." I hugged her once again before I left.


I started the car heading to Camila's house. I was so excited and impatient to see her again since last Friday, but now I felt emotional thinking about how she was doing. From what Normani told me, she was cold and not that happy. I arrived at the destination in less than thirty minutes. I looked at the house. It was simple but not that bad. I rang the bell. A woman in her fifties came out. I guessed she was that Mrs. Spencer that Lauren told me about.

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