Chapter 76: Not Ready

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Narrator's POV

Lauren was sitting there waiting for Camila to come out. She was relieved that she found Camila safe and sound. Camila was not kidnapped by Mike or with Amber. Even though Lauren was relieved, she was afraid to meet Camila again. Lauren might be able to stand Camila's unhappy face when Camila saw her, but one thing she was afraid of most was that Camila would run away again. Many thoughts crossed her mind until she dozed off.

"Hello...." Mrs. Spencer slowly woke Lauren up.

Lauren opened her eyes and realized that she fell asleep at the cafe. She smiled slightly when she saw Mrs. Spencer, "Oh, I fell asleep."

Mrs. Spencer smiled at her, "you slept like a baby, sweetheart. Lunchtime, do you want to be our first guest?"

Lauren looked around and there were only Mrs. Spencer and her in the cafe, "Yes, please."

"Good, which one do you prefer the first set or the second set."

Without looking at the menu, Lauren chose, "the first one." She did not care if it would taste good or not as long as it was made by Camila. Camila never made sushi for Lauren. Before Camila left, Lauren was thinking to go to Japan for the next holiday so that Camila could learn how to make sushi from the sushi master.

Mrs. Spencer left for the kitchen and she came back to welcome other guests. Lauren who sat at the corner closest to the kitchen door tried to sneak a peek every time the kitchen door opened but she did not see Camila.  It was ten past twelve, She fell asleep for an hour. She went to the toilet to refresh herself and got back to her table.

Lauren was watching Mrs. Spencer talking to the guests when Camila came out with her order.

"Here..." Camila stopped her sentence when she saw who was her first guest for lunch today. She was stunned standing there in front of Lauren who was as stunned as she was. No words uttered between them for seven seconds. The room was silent to them. They could only hear their own heartbeat. Camila blinked once and she put the sushi set down and left, back to the kitchen. Lauren was still stunned sitting there.

"Is everything okay?" Mrs. Spencer came to her when she saw Lauren was zoning out.

Lauren looked at her and now she could hear people were talking, the room was not silent. "...yea..."

Mrs. Spencer smiled even though she knew something was not fine. "Okay, let me know if you need anything. What's your name sweetheart?" Mrs. Spencer did not want to call her sweetheart all the time so she asked her name. Mrs. Spencer asked while she was putting Lauren's sushi set properly in front of her since Camila just put it down on the table without serving it properly and left in hurry. "If you don't mind to share." Mrs. Spncer said again as Lauren was still not fully paying attention to what she said.

"Lauren... it's Lauren." Lauren tried to smile.

"Okay, Lauren. Enjoy your sushi" She smiled and left Lauren.


Mrs. Spencer who took Lauren's empty coffee cup to the kitchen found Camila was zoning out as well ignoring the sushi rice. "Camila... Camila..."

She had to call her twice to get an answer, "yes, Mrs. Spencer."

"Is everything okay?" Mrs. Spencer was suspicious. Camila took the sushi out to Lauren and both of them were the same with that zoning out face. Camila seldom went out to serve the guests as she was in charge of the kitchen. Since it was sushi, Camila wanted to serve them fresh and Mrs. Spencer was still outside when she finished making the first sushi set in which she did not know belonged to Lauren.

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