Chapter 89: Planned It

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Camila's POV

I woke up and found myself side hugging Lauren. I looked at her thinking about what I had done to deserve her love. She loved me so much that I could not push her away any longer. However, in the little corner of my mind, there was a voice telling me, that she still deserved someone better. I loved her and I wanted her as well. I did not know if it would be the right thing to do, to get back together. We should talk about it. Sometimes, love was not enough.

Lauren stirred in her sleep. I wanted to cuddle her longer but I had to get up as I was behind the schedule. I had to rush oth0rewise I would be late for the cafe. I got up and went to Luna and Helio's room. Helio was waking up and Luna was still sleeping.

"Mommy..." Helio called me in his sleepy voice.

"Good morning, Helio..." he smiled and stretched out her little arms asking me to pick him up. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yea..." He said.

Luna was waking up as well, "mommy...." I came to her, "Good morning, Luna."

She was stretching her body and looking at me. "mommy..."

"Good morning," Lauren hugged me from behind and I was a little bit taken aback. She kissed my head. Luna called her, "Mama..."

"Good morning, babies..." she kissed Helio and Luna. They were still in their sleeping mood.

"Let's go babies, we have to be quick." I looked at the time.

Lauren understood and she offered the option, "I can take care of them. You can get ready for the cafe, I will bring them there."

I looked at her, "okay..." I turned to Luna and Helio, "Luna and Helio stay with mama, okay?" I turned to Lauren again, "thank you." I left the room and got ready to leave. I went back to the babies' room before I left for the cafe. Lauren was bathing them.

"I have to go, you can take the car, I will go with Mrs. Spencer. Bye..." I rushed out of the room leaving Lauren standing there frowning, "Bye..." she said.


On the way to the cafe, I texted Lauren to just stay home with Luna and Helio. She knew what breakfast to prepare for them. It was Sunday anyway and the cafe will only open until late breakfast so we would get home before lunchtime. I told Mrs. Spencer that Lauren knew about my secret now and we were kind of getting back together although we had not talked further. Mrs. Spencer was smiling and she did not say much. She suggested to me that I should give Lauren and myself a chance to try. Mrs. Spencer said Lauren and I were lucky to find each other in this lifetime so she would love to see us try and do our best to be together. 


We went back from the cafe and Mrs. Spencer asked me to enjoy my time with Lauren and the babies. She would prepare lunch and dinner for us. I thanked her and got into the house. I heard a chuckling sound from the playing room. Lauren, Luna, and Helio were in there playing. I did not know what would be next. Did Lauren want me to move back to New York? How about Mrs. Spencer and the cafe? I could not just leave her and the cafe alone. She could handle the breakfast but I was the one in charge of lunch, except for the French menu. I was not ready to move back to New York.

I went to the playing room to look at them. They were so into their play and did not know I was standing here looking at them until Helio saw me.

"Mommy..." he got up and ran to me and Luna was on Lauren's back. "mommy..."

"Hello, mommy..." I looked at Lauren she was looking at me. I could not stand her eyes which were full of affection. I smiled subtly. I let them play with Lauren and I went to do some chores.

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