Chapter 41 : One Last Time

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Narrator's POV

Saturday, last week of May, Camila was heading to Amber's place after lunch. She wanted to see her before she departed for Milan for two weeks on Sunday afternoon. It was almost three months, their situation was not getting any better. They needed to talk. When she arrived, Amber opened the door for Camila to get in, once she was inside, Amber started kissing her. Camila stopped her.

"Amber, can we talk please?" Camila asked.

"Okay," Amber smiled and they settled down on the couch in the living room. Camila sit by the end of the couch and Amber joined and sit next to her. She was facing Camila with one leg on the couch and playing with Camila's hair lazily.

"Yes, Mila?"

Camila looked at her, "Amber, we need to talk.... about us."

"Yea..." she looked at Camila asking her to continue.

"I... I feel like we are drifting away from each other. We don't talk much anymore. And... every time we meet, it's like only for sex. I miss our days before..." Camila looked down. She didn't hear anything from Amber. She looked at her and Amber was closing her eyes.

"Amber..." she called her softly. Amber opened her eyes, and she was holding her tears, "Amber..." she was about to cry, too, seeing Amber who never cried, was welling up. She still didn't say anything and she pulled Camila into her arms. She kissed Camila on top of her head and she cried quietly. Camila joined her, crying on her shoulders.

They were sitting there crying. Amber managed to compose herself first, she was waiting for Camila to calm down.

"I know, it's not going to," Amber said.

Camila who was in her embrace, sit up and looked at Amber, they were looking at each other. Amber wiped Camila's tears on her left cheek.

"Trust me, Amber. There is nothing between Lauren and Me. I choose you."

Her hand still on Camila's cheek, "...Camila, you choose me, but every time you are with me, your mind is somewhere else."

"Amber...." Camila's tears started to fall again. Amber got closer and placed her forehead on Camila's

"Sshh... I knew, since the day you told me about Lauren, I know you love her, Camila. It's obvious. Otherwise, you won't cry that day."

"Amber, I choose you..."

"Camila, we could not choose whom we fall for. If we could, I would not choose you as you are falling for the other woman."

Camila could not say anything, but she closed her eyes and shook her head. Amber just literally saying she loved Camila.

"No point I am staying in between two people who are in love with each other. It's one sided-love... I should let you go, Camila. I could not say it, so I am just waiting for you to bring it up."

"" Camila's no came out weak

"Camila...," She separated their forehead and looked at Camila caring for her cheek, "it won't end in a good way if we keep on forcing it. I was so mad with this whole thing happened, but I love you. I am sorry if I made you feel ignored and gave you cold shoulder...I tried, but I could not get it out of my head, that the woman I love like me but love the other woman."

"I am so sorry, I...I want us to work." Camila was touching Amber's hand.

"Camila...It's not your fault. We don't have power over love. We have to go separate ways, I didn't want us to end up hating each other. I don't regret falling for you, I know I don't fall for the wrong person, just the wrong timing. Maybe another time, or another lifetime when we could be together."

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