Chapter 71: Last Day Destruction

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Lauren's POV

I did hope Camila was with Amber. I did not want to imagine her kidnapped by Mike. He will threaten me and control my life with Camila in his hand. He could kill her as well.  I could not think right. If it was up to me, up to my psycho self like Mike, I would go there and kill him slowly. However, I could not do it even though I wanted it so bad. Fortunately and unfortunately, Normani was here preventing me from doing stupid and evil things

"What is your plan, Mani?" I wanted to know her idea.

"Lauren, it's him. Using the hard way is not a good idea neither does anything and lets him win. We still want to get Camila back safely, wherever she is. I am sure Mike is still watching and he wants you to confront her."

"Such a psycho..." Dinah said it again.

"Do you have any plan?" Normani asked. 

"I want to quit the company and keep searching for Camila. That's all I want, Mani."

"Okay, the first thing is to talk to Amber."

"Okay. I will ask Halsey's help." I needed Halsey's help to get to Amber. It was not easy to just go there and find her. Amber would not want to see me.

"About leaving the company... when and how you want to do it?" Normani asked. She always needed the details. It was not she was nosy or did not trust my plan, but she just wanted to make sure my plan was perfect. I needed her opinion as well, not everything but most of the things, especially I might do stupid things when I was furious and lost control, but I never regretted it to be honest.

"As soon as possible. I was planning to leave if I could not find Camila in six months so I can settle and organize things before I leave, but now... he is behind all this. He is trying to destroy me again, I do not care about his company anymore. He could see it falls or I will destroy it...." I took this position so I did my best to be responsible. I took it because of my mother. I indeed asked for a big amount of salary and even the shares. I of course did not want to do it for free. I got talent and ability and he must pay for it. I was doing it as a business partner not as a daughter or family.

Normani was scared when I said I would destroy the company. Normani knew I was not kidding when I said so. I would destroy the J Industry if I could not handle it anymore. He played me, I could play him, too. To destroy his company was easier than to find Camila. I learned it from him. I hated him but I got that beast trait from him which I was aware of. It was buried deep down inside me. I only had a better heart than his, if he had one. I could be very dark and Normani knew it well especially when I did not have enough love. Camila was my source of love and she was not here anymore, taken away by the one who introduced me to the loveless world.


"Okay... you got the details?"  Normani asked

"No, but I will prepare every document needed and settle things that are urgent as soon as possible. I don't want to leave the chief officers confused. I will call him on the last day. I don't have to tell him I am leaving, but I want to know if he has Camila."

"Okay, be careful when you talk to him."

"Okay..." I never talked to him since I left the house or even when I was still staying there. He was dangerous, but I needed to know if he had Camila.


The next day, I started to prepare all the documents needed for my resignation. I did not agree with the long notification required when I signed the contract so I could leave whenever I wanted. At that time, I was thinking I did not want to let him control me so I asked for it. It became handy now. They rejected it at the beginning, but they or he let me do it, as he desperately needed me. He might think my mother could convince me forever and make me do things, but he was wrong. I did not care about anything this time.

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