Chapter 43 : Seduce Her

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Camila's POV

The next morning, I woke up earlier to make some lunch for my boss, Lauren. I prepared for myself and Dinah as well. I hadn't told Dinah. I was thinking If Lauren wanted to have lunch with me again or if she just wanted the food only. Either way, I would just accept it.

On the way to the office, I told Dinah, I had prepared some lunch and she was checking it and asked me, "Three? For Taylor?"

"It's Lauren."

"I see, you go girl, make a move." Dinah teased me

"Dinah, no. She asked for it."

"She asked for it?"

"Yea, I don't know. She was so unusual yesterday."

"Do you think she knows?"

"Not possible, I only told you and Louis, and Louis will never tell her anything."

" you will have it with her or with me?"

I looked at Dinah and didn't answer her because I didn't know. If Lauren asked me to join her then I would, "Okay, Mila. Don't worry you can ditch me if she asks you to join her. I will always support you, support your mission."

"Dinah..." I laughed she was so understanding.

"Just don't disappoint me, I can't wait for the next episode of Camila and Lauren."


We didn't have a meeting today, so I was spending the day in my room doing my work until lunchtime. I prepared Lauren's lunch and brought it to her. I got in and she was already in the living area waiting for her lunch. I smiled at her, and I set the lunch on the coffee table.

"Bon appetit, Lauren," I said

She was looking at me and frowned, "are not you going to join me?"

"I...," I was studying her face if she meant it or just being polite, "you want me to?"

She pouted a little bit, "Yea...if you don't have any other lunch date." she was looking at her food.

"...Okay... I will get mine." I smiled

She looked up and smiled at me, "thanks."

I went back to Lauren's office and we had lunch together. I turned on the TV to avoid awkward silence. We ate peacefully. She enjoyed her food slowly. We didn't talk but we laughed at something on the TV. Lauren was like a good kid sitting there, enjoying her meal, and saying nothing. It had been a long time, I missed our lunch so much.

We finished lunch, and she spoke to me, "Camila."

"Yea..." I was collecting the plates to bring them to the kitchen.

"I miss our sushi lunch," Lauren said

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her who was looking at me, ".... "

"We can go to another one if you don't like that long as it is sushi."

"...It's fine." Lauren wanted our sushi lunch back. Did she really know I was not seeing Amber anymore, or she just didn't care? She proposed another restaurant.

"So, are you saying we will have sushi tomorrow?"

"Yea.... it sounds good." I was still looking at her, wondering what all of this was about.

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