Chapter 90: Loved You Perfectly

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Narrator's POV

Everything seemed to go well and fast after a month. It was beyond Camila and Lauren's expectations. Camila was almost getting back to herself. She was more cheerful and could talk more now. They could talk a lot in the evening when they had their daily evening call. They would tease each other and miss each other every day. Lauren and Camila had destroyed Camila's walls.

After their afternoon lovemaking, Camila and Lauren were cuddling on the sofa in Camila's room watching tv. The news came up that the J industry came to an end. It was acquired eighty percent by MJ Enterprise. Michael Jauregui had lost his kingdom to his very own daughter whom he despised most in a very shocking way. The official announcement was yesterday on the thirtieth of December. The same day three years ago when Mike tried to destroy Lauren again. The news had been everywhere, all over the media since this morning, but Camila did not come to it.

Lauren was sitting there listening to the news she already knew with a serious expression. Camila was shocked as she had no idea at all. She sat up and turned around looking at Lauren, "Lauren...?" Camila wanted to confirm the news with Lauren.

Lauren nodded, "Yea..." she smiled weakly.

Camila smiled and she got closer to Lauren. She gave Lauren a very gentle loving kiss, "I'm so proud of you, baby." Camila was looking at her favorite green eyes.

Camila turned back to the tv to continue watching the news. "who is she?" Camila asked when she saw a gorgeous woman who was mentioned in the news. There was a picture of her and Lauren.

"Veronica Iglesias, my managing director." Lauren looked at Camila from behind.

"Oh... she is beautiful." Lauren sensed Camila's insecurity. Veronica was a gorgeous woman with a keen intuition and was good at making decisions. Lauren came to her when she was looking for someone to take care of her MJ Enterprise.  Veronica was the daughter of a family she had helped in the past. She was also very trustworthy and had integrity which was why Lauren chose her.

"She is..." Lauren said looking at Camia who did not say anything further.

"You never told me about her," Camila said. Lauren did not like it when Camila felt insecure because of her.

"I won't let you meet her if possible," Lauren said.

"Okay..." Camila did not want to discuss it. she was quiet. She was watching the news but her insecurity distracted her and Lauren sensed that. 

She hugged Camila from behind. "I won't let her meet you, especially when I am not present, because... she might fall for you," Lauren said with her jealous face. Lauren knew if Veronica saw Camila and got to know her, she would fall for Camila, just like how Amber fell for Camila.

Camila smiled and listened to what Lauren said, "Lauren..." Camila felt relieved and Lauren as well.


The news was over, "I might hurt him." Lauren looked satisfied with her victory but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes and Camila saw it.

Camila cupped Lauren's face, "You did not. If yes, he deserved it."

"Yes, he deserved it." Lauren's said it by suppressing her anger with tears in her eyes.

"Lauren...don't cry," Camila said caressing Lauren's face.

"He hurt you, Camz."

"It's in the past, Lauren."

"Yes, but he almost killed you and my babies."

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