Chapter 22: Bad Thing

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Camila's POV

Lauren came to my office after Normani and Taylor left. She closed the door as she entered. She looked at me for more than five seconds. I could not stand the silence, so I asked, "Is there anything you need from me, Ms. Jauregui?" She didn't say anything and still kept on looking at me. I could not tell what was in her mind, as her face was showing no expression. The long stare made me nervous, "Ms. Jauregui?" She was walking closer to me, and still, no word came out of her mouth.

"Stop doing that, Camila?" She said

"Doing what Ms. Jauregui?" What she meant, was she mad I told Normani.

"Stop it! Or I will need more than I did." She demanded.

"Ms. Jauregui, I didn't mean to complain to Normani behind you, if that's what you mean." She didn't answer me and she walked closer invading my personal space. She really made me nervous, I could not stop biting my lower lip.

"Lauren..." I stepped back. I was scared that she wanted to choke me.

She groaned, "This...." that was the last word I heard, she grabbed my chin and her lips landed on mine. I was shocked but I closed my eyes when she didn't move her lips away. She opened her mouth to push mine harder asking me to kiss back, I shouldn't but I did. I tried to push her away using my both hands on her chest, but she didn't move back. Instead, she deepened the kiss, her left hand was moved to my neck holding me firmly, and her right hand was on my waist pulling me closer to her. I was trapped in her. My body was trying to get away, but my mouth could not stay away from hers. The more my body tried to wiggle away from her, the more she tightened her both hands and she kissed me harder and faster. I was not strong enough and I slowly gave in, she slowed her kiss, but her hands still held me tight on my neck and my waist. My mouth was shamelessly opened to let our tounges meet and tasted each other. Her hand was slowly massaging my neck while kissing me with more passion. Her hand slowly traveled down from my neck to my chest. I didn't want our kissing to loosen, my both hands traveled up and circled her neck. Her hand stopped by my left breast and didn't miss a chance using her thumb to circle my hardening nipple. It kept on traveling down, her hand was feeling every part of my body she touched, until it stopped on my ass, another hand join on the right side. She squeezed them before she suddenly pulled me closer to her crotch, I jolted and moaned with her sudden pull. I could feel her hard-on, it was so hard. She was so hard, so big, and made me want to touch her using my hands. She should have felt how wet I could feel down there now. She was massaging my ass and pressing me to her crotch until no space for air to get in within us, my hands tightened behind her neck securing our kiss. Her breathing changed, increasing in pace. She broke our kiss and she pinned my body on the wall, pushing my both hands over my head and pinning them using her left hand. She looked at me in the eyes with her lustful eyes, and before she kissed me again on my neck with hunger, I moved my head to another side to give her wider access. She sucked on it, I groaned louder and my body jolted and she pressed my body back using hers and lifted my left leg on her waist. She move her right hand to my back helping her to press her hard length on my pussy with full force, I moaned her name, "Lauren..."

"Camilaaaa....." I heard Dinah's voice calling me, I opened my eyes and saw Dinah. I looked around I was sleeping on the couch in our apartment. I realized I was dreaming. It was just a dream.

"Hey, Mila are you okay? You were calling Lauren's name. Did she want to kill you in the dream? Did I save you from her?" She asked

"No, Dinah. I am fine, just a dream, bad thing." I didn't know should thank Dinah for saving me or curse her for waking me up.

I came home earlier today and fell asleep on the couch. Lauren's mood really affected my mood this time. I admitted I felt sad that she didn't trust me. In general, people trusted me, my own boss didn't trust me was something that I could not accept. I could not accept myself, I had failed myself in gaining her trust. Normani said she would talk to Lauren to find out what actually happened, but I saw Taylor came to her office, too. Were they going to fire me? I should not be afraid, shouldn't I? The worst thing that could happen was I lost my job and this apartment, and I just had to get a new job, right?

"Did she do something bad today? made you dream and scream her name like that, Mila?" worry wrote on her face, as I texted earlier that I left earlier.

"Yea, she was in a super bad mood, today. But she let me go earlier." I told Dinah the story but I left the part I saw Taylor come to see Lauren. I didn't want her to worry yet if I might get fired. I would wait till tomorrow when everything was clear. After I told Dinah, her conclusion was Lauren didn't like me to do something without her knowing, whether she had trust issues or she loved control, over me.

I could not fall asleep. I shouldn't be afraid of being fired. There was nothing to lose, but I was afraid. I wanted to ask Taylor but it was midnight now. I saw a text coming in. I took my phone from the nightstand. It was from Lauren. Why did she text me in the middle of the night? yeah, at least she didn't fire me yet. I didn't know if I should text back.

From Ms. J: Don't forget my lunch tomorrow, thank you!

To Ms. J: Okay.

She didn't reply. Five minutes later

From Ms. J: Still awake?

To Ms. J: Yea, I could not fall asleep yet.

She didn't reply again, instead, she called me. I panicked. She never called me outside work, I was thinking to ignore it, but better to answer, or tomorrow she would interrogate me.

Me: Hi!

Lauren: What keeps you awake?

Me: Just thinking some stuff.

Lauren: some stuff or someone?

Me: Huh, no!

Lauren: Taylor said you have someone new in mind.

Me: ... (why did Taylor say that?)

Lauren : ( she sighed when I said nothing) Just make sure he is much better than Horan.

Me: No, there is no one. Just some other stuff.

Lauren: Don't lie, Camila!

Me: I don't. (there she went again with don't lie) Is it that hard for you to trust me? I didn't, and I don't and I will never lie to you, Lauren. ( now my turn to sigh)

Lauren: ... I didn't say I don't trust you... I am sorry for this morning.

Me: ...

Lauren: Camila... I

Me: It's fine

Lauren: Go to sleep, see you tomorrow!

Me: ...Ok

Lauren: don't dream of me! ( she let out a small laugh – did she just flirt with? me in your dream, Camila. I said to myself. Yea, in my dream this afternoon – even more than flirt )

Me: ... ( I dreamed of you, this afternoon) bad thing ( I didn't realize I was thinking out loud)

Lauren: Am I that bad, Camila?

Me: Uh, No. I mean ... I am reading a book, sorry.

Lauren: ... okay, good night!

Camila: good night!

I fell asleep after Lauren called. I was relieved she didn't contact me to fire me. I woke up and the first thing I was thinking was Lauren. I was smiling to myself when I remembered how nice she was last night over the phone. But, no, She always acted super nice after she had been rude to me, she just felt guilty, what a boss. Nobody knew what she would be today. 

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