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Thirty-first of October, four months after they got married.

"Lauren..." Camila called Lauren from their bathroom in the early morning.

Lauren who was still in the bed knew Camila was calling her for a serious matter as she sounded panicked. Lauren was worried. There must be something wrong but she did not know what it was exactly, "Yes, babe?" Lauren ran to Camila as soon as possible.

Camila was standing there with one arm folded across her chest and the other hand holding her head. "Yes, Camz? Is everything okay?" Lauren was both worried and scared.

Camila looked at her with a serious face and did not reply to her. Lauren asked her again, "Camz..." Camila used her eyes to direct Lauren's eyes to the things next to the sink.

"You..." Lauren got closer. They were two pregnancy test packs. Lauren took them and checked the result, "we will have a baby?" Lauren's face lightened up. She wanted one more baby but Camila did want it. Camila was still considering it when Lauren mentioned once that she wanted one more. However, Lauren never pushed Camila.

"Yea..." Camila said weakly and she looked helpless. Camila was just not sure as her previous experience was quite traumatizing for her.

"Hey... it will be okay." Lauren tried to calm Camila down. She kissed Camila on her forehead and hugged her.

Camila looked at Lauren, "You planned it don't you?" Camila hit Lauren lightly.

"I did not."

"Why I don't trust you," Camila said softly her head on Lauren's chest.

"I did not, Camz. I did want one more baby because I think three is perfect, but I don't need more if you don't want it. I will not push you as you are the one who will carry the baby. Remember, I promised I will put you first and I meant it. It's really out of my plan. It's meant to be, Camz."

Camila knew Lauren did not lie to her, she snuggled against Lauren's neck, "Okay..., it feels like a Halloween curse."

"Yea... but it will be a beautiful curse," Lauren said.

"Okay... but no more, please. It's the last one." Camila replied softly. She trusted Lauren. She knew Lauren would be here with her.

"Okay, the last one. I'll be careful."

"Okay. We will be careful."

"I love you," Lauren said.

"I love you, more" Camila replied to Lauren.


Lauren and Camila's third baby shared the birthday with Lauren. If Luna got Lauren's look but Camila's personality, and Helio got Camila's look with Lauren's personality, Danica, their third baby was just like Lauren both her look and her personality. Danica was born as special as Lauren. Camila knew Lauren would love Danica as she loved Luna and Helio. She would never treat her baby like Mike treated her. The most special thing about Danica was she had two different colors of eyes. Her left eye was green and her right eye was brown. She also got a birthmark on her chest that looked like the moon and the sun.

Danica had a friend. Normani and Dinah got married a month after Camila and Lauren managed to have a baby girl. Dinah was the one who carried the baby and they named her Kalani. Normani and Dinah lived one street away from Camila and Lauren who had moved to their new little mansion. It was as Lauren called it, a two-story building with six bedrooms. Camila did not say anything, she let Lauren have her way, a decent house with many rooms, which was actually a little mansion. 

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