Chapter 46 : Are You Sure??

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Lauren's POV

I was sitting in my car. I didn't understand and I didn't like it when Camila said she wanted to keep our relationship secret or low profile. What the hell was she thinking? Thinking of how she never hid her previous relationships and dates made me furious.

When I told her Amber loved her, she said nothing, but I had a feeling, she still liked her or still had some feeling left for her. I didn't know exactly, but her eyes said something. Even when I told her I loved her, again, she didn't say anything. She just smiled, a smile full of thinking in her head.

I could not stand it anymore, I left her before it got heated further. I didn't know if it was the right thing to do, to ask her to be my girlfriend. I loved her, it was no doubt, I was not sure if she wanted the same. One minute I was so happy another minute I got so angry. Now, I missed her even though I was angry. She drove me crazy. It was ten forty-seven I was sitting here in the car and my phone rang.

Me: Hi, Mani!

Normani: Hi, Lauren! Where are you?

Me: The parking lot. Mani, You can stop checking on me. I don't go to the club anymore.

Normani: Yea, but I stopped by at your place to drop off some food. I texted you, and what are you doing in the parking lot?

Me : (I sighed)

Normani: Lauren? Is everything alright?

Me: I don't know...

Normani: Lauren.

Me: I am at the parking lot of Camila's apartment.

I told Normani what happened today. Normani knew about my meeting with Amber. I also told her that I went to the ranch with Camila and asked her to be my girlfriend and she accepted. She was excited to hear the news until I told her I left Camila's apartment and was now in the parking lot, all angry and confused.

Normani: Lauren, listen to her first, she must have her own reason.

Me: Yea... I knew I should not leave like that, but I am pissed off.

Normani: Calm yourself down, and go back and talk to her!

Me: Yea...If she still wants to open the door for me.

Normani: She will, if not, text her at least, don't wait till tomorrow. Okay?

Me: Okay.

Normani: Go, Love your girl. Good night, Lauren!

Me: Good night, Mani, Thanks!

It was ten past eleven. I was not sure if Camila was still awake. If she was, I was not sure she would open the door for me. I would just text her.

To Camila: Camz...

She read it, but she didn't reply. She must be angry with me now.

To Camila: Sorry, Camz... Can you let me in again?

From Camila: I thought you were gone.

To Camila: No, I am in the car at the parking lot.

She read and didn't reply to me again

To Camila: Can you let me in, please... I will listen to you.

From Camila: Fine.

Camila's POV

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