Chapter 48 : The Contract

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Narrator's POV

Monday came. It would be a busy week for them as it was the last week for Lauren before her three weeks long holiday. She planned to spend it in Italy. She had planned this holiday since last year. If she planned it recently she would have included Camila in her plan.

It was twenty minutes before nine, Camila was in her office preparing for her day when Lauren arrived and greeted Mrs. Lopez. Lauren was in a good mood, and Mrs. Lopez noticed this change. Lauren seldom came this early and was in such a good mood.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lopez! Is Camila here yet?"

"Good morning, Lauren! Yes, she is, since eight thirty as usual. You are early today."

Lauren smiled, "yes, thank you!" Lauren looked at Camila's office door before she went to her room. Mrs. Lopez told Camila that Lauren was here and Camila didn't expect Lauren would come this early. She went to the kitchen to make Lauren her cappuccino. When it was ready, she grabbed her iPad heading to Lauren's office. Three soft knocks and she heard the yes from inside and she opened the door.

"Good morning, Lauren!" She put the cappuccino on Lauren's desk.

"Good morning, Camila!" Lauren was just sitting there with her phone in her hand. Smiling and checking out Camila's outfit.

As usual, Camila would just announce the schedule to her, "Here we go, today you will have two meetings, with Mr. Cooper at ten and with Mr. Gosling after lunch at two thirty. It's the same for the next two days, you will have two meetings each day, and only one on Thursday."

"Is it with Taylor on Thursday?" Lauren asked

"Yes, at ten."

"Please make it eleven, or after lunch."

Camila frowned, Lauren never asked for a change of time. "Okay, I will check with her. Is there anything else?"

Lauren put down her phone and looked at Camila, "yea..."



"Yes? Lauren" she raised her eyebrow asking Lauren.

"You forgot..."

"Eh...yea...?!" Camila looked at her iPad again checking if she missed something.

Lauren sighed, "I missed you..."

Camila chuckled, realizing that Lauren was not talking about the job, "... or you are just hungry."

Lauren smiled, "Camz..."

"Yea..." Camila looked at the time. It was ten to nine. She had time to tease Lauren. She pretended she didn't know what Lauren wanted. She knew Lauren wanted a kiss.

Lauren was losing her patience and she stood up and walked to Camila. Lauren leaned on her desk and pulled Camila to her by the waist.

Camila put her iPad on the desk, so she could play with Lauren's shirt collar "your cappuccino is there, Ms. Jauregui."

They were looking at each other, "give me a kiss!" Lauren asked

"Why should I give my boss a kiss?"

"Hmm...I came earlier."

"Uh-huh..." Camila looked at Lauren who was looking at her lips. Camila intentionally bit her lip.

Lauren leaned closer to capture Camila's lips, but she playfully avoided her.

Lauren stopped the chase and pouted, "Camz...."

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