Chapter 67: Confronted Her

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Narrator's POV

Camila woke up at five in the morning. She only slept for two hours. She fell asleep crying and she woke up feeling lost. She was thinking about what she should do now. Many things crossed her mind. She wanted to end their relationship. She also wanted to quit the job since she would not be able to stay in the same room with Lauren. Professionally, She could not just leave as she had responsibility at work and notification in advance was required, but she was too hurt to care about her responsibility at work. She also remembered the contract and her conversation with Mike that she could quit whenever she thought it did not work and was not good for her. 

Camila got up and went to the bathroom. She dressed up simply. She took the first dress she saw. She took her bag, the car key, the USB, and the pictures and she left the apartment. It was six in the morning. She started her car and drove heading to Lauren's place. She wanted to confront Lauren. No tear was falling down when she was on the way to Lauren's place. She was all furious in the early morning.

She went up to Lauren's penthouse as she had access. She went straight to her bedroom. She opened the door and Lauren was sleeping naked only in her boxer as she usually did under the blanket. Lauren was sleeping peacefully and she looked as gorgeous as usual. Camila's heart wrenched. She loved her but she felt this hatred deep in her bone when she remembered the pictures and video. The picture might be fake, but it was hard not to believe what the video was.

Camila threw her bag and the envelope on the couch. She walked to Lauren and looked at her. Camila's mind was clouded with anger and thoughts, she could not think straight. If Lauren had many lives, she might want to kill most of them. Camila was standing there looking at Lauren. Lauren seemed to feel something and she opened her eyes slowly. She blurry saw Camila standing there. She wiped her eyes and she saw Camila standing there looking at her without a smile.

"Camz... you are here?" Lauren smiled but Camila did not smile back or say anything. Lauren knew something was not right. "Camz..." Camila was looking at her with hatred. Lauren sat up " everything okay?" It was early morning and Camila never showed up like this. It was definitely something wrong.

Lauren looked at Camila confused. Camila walked to the couch and she took the envelope with the pictures. She walked back to Lauren. She threw the envelope in front of Lauren. Lauren looked at the envelope, and then at Camila.

"What is it?" Lauren's tone was serious now. Camila said nothing but looked at Lauren with her cold eyes.

Lauren took the envelope and opened it. She took out the pictures and her face tensed. Lauren herself was shocked looking at them, "Camz...."

Camila did not say anything still. She was just standing there looking at her angrily.

"Camz... it is not what it looks like." Lauren did not believe what she saw. They were definitely a mistake. 

"Yea?" Camila's tone was sarcastic.

"I did not sleep with her."

"Are you sure?" she was holding her anger.

"Camz...I told you. Where you got this from?" Lauren asked.

"When was it?"

"I...I don't know." Lauren was starting to get frustrated. She did not like to see the pictures. She had some in the past with the women from the club, but they were just personally taken by the models or the women she slept with and she knew about it. She just did not care and tried to be careful next time. At that time, she was single as well, so she could not care less. This time, these ones were with Kendall, and she had Camila now. She did not remember anything about it. She never slept with her or even just shared a bed with her.

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