Chapter 81: Reason Needed

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Narrator's POV

Lauren had purchased the houses. Some renovation was needed before they could move in. Lauren wanted the houses to look new. She made some changes and purchase new furniture. She would go to the cafe in the morning to spend time with Luna and Helio. After lunch when the baby had their afternoon nap, she would leave and watch over the renovation. Nas was helping her with that. Lauren wanted to finish before autumn came.

Lauren decided to sell her motor home and Mrs. Spencer's old house. She did not decide yet to live in Portland or to go back to New York. If she could choose, she would live in New York, but she did not want to live there if Camila was not there. She still hoped that one day Camila would change her mind and move back to New York with her. At this moment, she would stay here for a while and see how things went. Lauren was looking for an apartment for herself, but Mrs. Spencer asked Lauren to stay at her new house once they moved in. She knew Camila was not going to ask Lauren to live with her permanently, so she let Lauren stay whenever she wanted. The house was technically partially hers as she purchased it.


Camila finally contacted Sofia but she was not ready to talk to her parents. Sofia cried when she saw Camila on the video call. She missed Camila so much. Both of them were in tears. Camila promised her sister that she would visit her as soon as possible. She was planning to spend her Christmas in Miami. She needed to explain it to her parents in person. Camila also told her about Luna and Helio. She sent Sofia her pictures as they were already sleeping. Sofia could not believe she got a niece and a nephew now. She could not wait to meet them soon.

Sofia told Camila that she still kept in touch with Lauren. Sofia told her about how Lauren took good care of her. Lauren had been there for her since Camila left. She always looked up to Lauren and asked for advice. Lauren took good care of her remotely. Camila was surprised they still kept in touch until now, but Lauren did not tell Sofia that she found her. Lauren let Camila call her sister herself. Camila was touched by the story but she did not say much about it.

Camila was so proud of Sofia. She was nineteen now. She grew up as a smart, wise, and beautiful girl. She knew what happened between Lauren and Kendall. She hoped her sister and Lauren would get back together. She asked Camila if they would get back together. Unfortunately, Camila said she had moved on and they were not together anymore, but she would keep a good relationship for their children's sake. Sofia tried to convince Camila to get back together with Lauren by telling her the truth which Camila already knew from Dinah. However, Camila had made up her mind. She wanted to move on from Lauren. Her sister asked her why Camila only said that she did not have any feelings for Lauren anymore.

They spent almost two hours catching up on each other's life. Sofia told Camila what had happened during these three years which was not much. Her parents were healthy but they were still thinking of Camila. Sofia told Camila almost everything, but one thing she did not tell her. It was the financial support from Lauren. It was a secret between them that Lauren wanted to tell Camila herself one day.

Camila told her story to Sofia, but she only told her in general and she did not get into details. Camila did not want to share a sad story. She basically told Sofia what she had told Dinah, how she moved from one place to another and ended up in Portland after she was pregnant and after she met Nas. She started a cafe with Mrs. Spencer and planed to live here with Luna and Helio. After the long call, Camila could see how close Sofia had grown to Lauren. Sofia admired Lauren.

Lauren's POV

It had been a month now. The renovation would be done soon. It was a bit out of schedule but it would finish by the end of September and they could move in October. Camila actually did not ask for a renovation but I wanted it. I did not mind she wanted to live in Portland, but she had to agree with the house I provided. I told her I wanted the best for my children and she could not disagree further, but still, she wanted something simple. She was quite cooperative so far. I had done all this for her, not only for my kids but for all my babies including her.

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