Chapter 53 : Everyone Wanted to Beat Him

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Camila's POV

I was sitting in my office when Normani left after we talked for about forty minutes. She was doing her job as a lawyer. Lauren was still in her office with Taylor. I was curious about what they were discussing, as Lauren didn't want me to join. I didn't have any idea whether they were talking about my employment status, Mr. Jauregui heard this news or any other possibilities.

Mrs. Lopez came to my room and asked me if I needed help with my daily task, and I told her it was fine, not many things to do anyway. It was almost eleven when I was sitting here and waiting for Lauren wondering about her meeting with Taylor, an email from her popped up. She barely sent an email. I always did it on behalf of her.  I wanted to know what her email was about.

I didn't waste any second. I clicked on the email. Lauren sent an email to all the employees in this building. She mentioned in the email it was not a job-related email but what happened had disturbed her. She also mentioned we had not figured out the person who did it. She made three statements. The first point was for whoever was behind and related to the video, to surrender themselves by today before one p.m. The next point was for the security team, she was expecting them to figure out who was the person among them supporting this crime. She sounded sarcastic in that part. The last one made me have mixed feelings. Lauren was asking whoever had been disrespectful to me either by looks or words to apologize in person to me. The time and place were stated in the email. She emphasized that this was not me asking for it, but she herself demanded it.

The way Lauren was using the word my lady,  and my name in the email made me feel appreciated and loved. Her email overall was quite polite despite some sarcasm. I believed Taylor was giving her suggestion, otherwise, her email would be worse with her angry mood. Taylor was out of Lauren's office and she came to me, "Camila, how are you?"

"It's better than yesterday," I responded

Taylor smiled, "If there is anything else you want us to do, just let me know or Lauren. Okay?"

"Yes, thank you, Tay. About the email Lauren sent. It was not necessarily the last point. I meant it's common people will talk about it and I did it, It's the consequences."

"Camila... yes people will talk about it, but not harassing you with those words and looks. They should have minded their own business and I don't tolerate that kind of behavior."

"Is it Lauren's idea?"

"Yes, she knew it."

I sighed, "...Okay...I hope she won't be rude to them."

Taylor smiled, "I cannot guarantee that Mila, but she also would thank those who support you as well."

"Lauren..." I smiled thinking of what Lauren did.

"Okay, I have to go now. Lauren is on the phone. She asked me to tell you that she will be out soon and go for lunch with you. See you later, Mila...and eat okay?"

I nodded, "Thanks, Tay."



It was eleven past eleven when Lauren was out of her room. She came to my office standing by the door "Camz, I am hungry."

"Are you?" I looked at the time

"Yea, I didn't have my breakfast dinner."

"Okay, we can order something in," she was shaking her head, "go out?"

"Yesss... and with you..." she was so sweet now, that I wanted to squeeze her. During the meeting, she was like a monster who wanted to kill Austin.

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