Chapter 25: Conflicted

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Camila's POV

I spent my Friday evening with Taylor. We went Christmas shopping and had dinner. During the dinner, I asked Taylor about Lauren knew that we invited Mr. Gosling to our Sunday brunch and about what she told Lauren that I had someone new in my mind. Taylor told me the reason she came to Lauren's office yesterday. She also hoped that I didn't mind if she invited Ms. Kordei and Lauren to our next Sunday brunch which she doubted Lauren would come. I didn't mind at all.

I also told Taylor that Lauren called me last night to apologize and we talked about it during lunch. Taylor was surprised that I could get Lauren to talk about it without her being furious as nobody could make her do something without her being difficult. One thing I learned about her, Lauren – was reserved and not easy to open to, I had to be patient and persistent.

I told Lauren almost everything, from how she was in Mr. Gosling's office until I woke her up from her long nap, but I left the pillow fight part behind. About someone new in mind, Taylor laughed when I asked her about it. She said it's just extra information to make Lauren believe that there was nothing between me and Mr. Gosling, and she also said that I looked like having someone in mind recently. I said there was no one and she said it was just her guess.

After dinner, we went back home. I didn't see Dinah. I texted her asking when she would be home as I would like to tell her everything. She texted back saying that she would be back after midnight. Then, I have to wait till tomorrow.

I went to my room and I could not stop thinking about what happened these two days. I asked myself why I was not leaving the company yet. I never could stand rude people, Lauren was no less rude than my previous manager. The thing that made them different was, that my previous manager was trying to bring me down as he was jealous and threatened me. While Lauren, I got nothing she could be jealous of or could threaten her. Her rudeness was worse, wasn't it, but I still stayed. She was not rude to everyone and made all people's lives miserable every day like him. She was just so rude to all her EA and I was just unlucky to be one. I was not defending her she had a good side. I wondered how she would treat me If I was not her EA.


The next morning, I was waiting for Dinah. She asked me to join her for Christmas shopping today since she could not join us yesterday. It's still the first week of December, but we had a list of people we would like to give Christmas gifts. Especially, Dinah, she had a big family many. I was having my breakfast when my phone went off. It's Mr. Jauregui

Me: Good morning, uncle Mike!!

Michael: Good morning, Camila! How are you doing? Long time no see!

Me: Fine, uncle Mike, and you? Aunt Clara?

Michael: We are good, Camila. I heard from Taylor, that you are doing good in the company. Do you like your job?

Me: Yea, not bad. It's good.

Michael: I am glad, Camila to finally find you who could handle her.

Me: It's only five months, Uncle Mike. Too early to say.

Michael: We will see. Are you going to celebrate Christmas in Miami or New York?

Me: I will be in Miami, Uncle Mike. I miss my parents and my sister.

Michael: till the new year?

Me: No, only Christmas, will be in New York for New Year.

Michael: Great. I wanted to invite you for Christmas dinner since you will be in Miami. How about dinner on new year's eve?

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