Chapter 01: The Call - The Picture

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Narrator's POV

"Good Morning, Taylor!" Michael was sitting in the dining room and receiving a phone call from his Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) of The Jauregui Industry – Ms. Swift.

"Good morning, Mr. Jauregui! Sorry to call you this early, I..."

"The 30th one is gone..." Michael didn't have to wait for Taylor to finish the sentence, he knew what the call was about.

"31st, Mr. Jauregui. I am sorry, Sir. I've done my best to find the best. It's just..." Taylor didn't know how to finish her sentence, since it was the 31st time she called to inform the same news.

"No, no, Taylor. It is not your fault. We both know the problem is not you. She is the real record-breaker, just not for a good thing this time. Get the next one, we have to think of another plan, if it doesn't work out."

"Yes, Sir!" Taylor replied shortly.

"Good luck, Taylor!" Michael sighed and his wife – Clara gave him a concerned look.

"My dear, Could you help me to talk some sense into that favorite daughter of yours?" Michael asked his wife hopelessly.

"Mike, you knew I did, many times, she doesn't want to listen to me anymore."

"Grandpa...Grandma...." James, the five years old son of Taylor Jauregui was running toward his grandparents. Taylor was holding her baby girl two years old Jane approached them. They just arrived to visit Michael and Clara.

"Good morning, Dad, Mom!" Taylor greeted her parents kissing their cheeks. She frowned looking at the half-smile face of her father. "What's going on, Dad? Aren't you happy seeing us?" Taylor tried to tease her father.

"No... Taylor, tell me how to deal with your sister, 18 months, 30 Executive Assistants (EA)," Michael replied, lifting James on his lap.

"31st, Mike." Clara corrected him.

"Ask, Mom! She only listens to Mom." Taylor suggested.

Clara replied, "No, not this time, Taylor. I have convinced her to take over this position. She accepted in the end but is still mad at me for taking your father's side, so she has her way and doesn't want to listen to me anymore."

Knowing that no one could stop her sister, even her mom the only one who sometimes could make her listen, now couldn't do anything "Well, Lauren is Lauren. If mom cannot stop her, I am afraid no one can."

"Where she got all those attitudes," said Michael. Clara was looking at him with accusing eyes. Michael tried to defend himself, "What... I am not as stubborn as she is. At least, I am not rude. I didn't sleep with my EA, made them sue me, or leave the offices in tears. Not even 5 EA in 30 years." Michael ended it proudly making Clara roll her eyes and laugh.

Laughing at her parent's interaction, Taylor said without thinking, "well, maybe we can ask her girlfriend to talk to her."

"She has a girlfriend?!" Michael and Clara asked in unison. They were shocked by Taylor's statement. They all knew Lauren was not into relationships since she was a teenager until now, let alone talking about marriage and having a child. They knew she was just a womanizer her whole life.

"No, I don't know. I mean, if she has one, which is I doubt about it." Realizing her words, Taylor tried to correct them. She knew Lauren was once in a relationship with Lucy but didn't end well.

"And why did you say so?" Michael and Clara said again at the same time.

"I mean, Dad is stubborn, but always listens to Mom. Maybe she will too. Again, if she has one." Taylor tried to give them a reason.

After finishing their breakfast, Taylor followed her parents along with James and Jane to the family room. Taylor passed some pictures taken during James's birthday last 2 weeks to Clara so that her mom could save them in the family photo album.

Opening the album, they came to Lauren's section. She was always alone in the pictures. She didn't like to take pictures with others, hardly with her sibling Chris and Taylor. Clara had to persuade her to take pictures with her siblings. Clara sighed, "Lauren is Lauren, always has her way, no one can make her do things she doesn't want." Turning to the next page, they came to one particular picture, the only picture in which Lauren was not alone, nor with her siblings. In the picture, there was a little girl, holding Lauren's hand – the girl with a winning smile and Lauren with a thin smile.

Looking at this picture, Clara laughed, and Taylor laughed because they seemed so cute. Lauren was 6 in the picture. Showing the picture to Michael, Clara said, "you remember this, Mike? She dragged Lauren to take a picture with her." Michael laughed along and said, "Yes, yes, I remember, Alejandro's daughter. She didn't give up till Lauren did."

Listen to her parents, Taylor said, "so it is not only Mom who can make her do things, but also this little girl. I never knew about it." Clara replied, "yes, because you were still a baby at that time." Clara told Taylor, that Alejandro was her father's best friend and their neighbor back then in Miami before they moved to New York.

After thinking for a moment, looking at his wife, Michael said, "It's been a long time, we didn't hear from Alejandro. Maybe he or Camila can help us with Lauren."

"Camila?!" Clara was questioning Mike's idea, and Taylor was questioning who was Camila.

"Yes, She could make Lauren take a picture with her, maybe she can knock some sense into her now," Michael explained.

"But it's a long time ago Mike. They were kids at that time. Things were simpler. We also have lost contact with the Cabellos." Said Clara.

"How are they doing now? twenty years..." Michael felt emotional. Standing up, he left the family room. "Where are you going ?" asked Clara.

"Make a phone call," Michael replied briefly. Michael was heading to his study room. He wanted to find his best friend Alejandro. He also had a little hope, that Camila grew up with stronger character than what she already had, so she could help him out with Lauren. Dial a number, Michael was asking his special agent to find out Alejandro's whereabouts.

The next morning, Michael received the information about Alejandro from his agent. Excited, He runs to his wife in the dining room. "Clara, I found Alejandro, let's go to Miami."

Clara was happy and shocked at the same time, "Alejandro? Is he still in Miami? We are going to Miami?"

"Yes, we can go after lunch," Michael said full of excitement.

"Can't we wait till the weekend? Does it have to be today ?" Clara asked

"Yes, after lunch. Let's have our breakfast and get ready" Michael was very determined.

Looking at her husband's determination, Clara knew she could not stop him. She knew how much he missed Alejandro. They grew up together and lived as neighbors till Michael decided to depart to New York for a business plan. He asked Alejandro to join him, but Alejandro had another plan and seemed to be staying in Miami all this time.

After lunch, Michael and Clara flew to Miami using their private jet. Arriving in Miami, they were picked up by a private car and headed to the five stars hotel where they were going to stay in Miami. Michael could not wait to meet Alejandro and had his plan carried out, to see whether Camila could help him with his plan. Since it was late, they decided to visit Alejandro the next day. 


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