Chapter 38 : Seeking Advice, Listen to Her

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Narrator's POV

Camila fell asleep crying. She woke up the next morning and checked her phone. There were only some texts, from Sophie, Amber, and Dinah. She was waiting for Lauren's reply which never came. She got ready for work and met Dinah in the kitchen. Dinah saw Camila's puffy eyes. She asked Camila if everything was fine – Dinah thought she had a fight with Amber, but she was surprised after Camila told her what happened yesterday. Dinah liked Amber since she treated Camila best, but she also liked the chemistry between Lauren and Camila, as not everyone was that lucky to find the connection and chemistry that Camila and Lauren had. Dinah asked Camila to take her time and clear her mind before making a decision on which way to go, and whom to choose.

Camila arrived at the office. Mrs. Lopez told her Lauren was off today. Camila told Mrs. Lopez what happened as Mrs. Lopez was like her mother at the office. Camila told her about Lauren and Amber, as she really needed advice now. Mrs. Lopez listened to Camila before she told Camila her opinion.

"Camila. No matter whom you will choose, open your heart, love is built by both sides, and needs a lot of patience, respect, time, and dedication. If you choose Lauren, you will need a lot more patience than average as she was broken and lack of love."

It was not enough for Camila. She liked to seek opinions from her close and trusted friends when she was confused and had to decide something important. She called Taylor for lunch. She told Taylor what happened. Just like what she told Mrs. Lopez, she also told Taylor both, how she felt for Amber and Lauren. Taylor was quite surprised that Lauren was not aggressively bringing Amber down, as she would do in general using her way if someone got in her way. Taylor suggested Camila talk to Lauren openly. Same as Dinah, Taylor loved how Amber cared about Camila, but she could not deny how Camila looked at Lauren and how Lauren looked at Camila, was love. However, it was not enough.

As suggested by Taylor, Camila knew she had to talk to Lauren at some point. She texted Normani who was also off today.

To Normani : Hi, Normani. How is Lauren? Can I call you now?

To Camila: Hi, Camila! I will call you later. Lauren is with me, she is physically okay. She got wasted last night, but emotionally not so well.

To Normani: Okay, call me back once you can. I need to talk to her.

To Camila: yes, Camila. You both definitely need to talk. But now is not a good time. I will ask her to take another day off. We will see, I will tell you when is a better time. Possibly weekend. Bye Mila. You take care of yourself, too.

To Normani  Okay, thanks Mani, please take care of her.

Lauren was off today and would be off tomorrow as well. Camila was quite busy as she had to cover and had to do some stuff on behalf of Lauren. On Friday, she came to the office, and no news from Normani yet. Camila had decided to talk to Lauren first. She would see how things go before she talked to Amber. Camila was not the one who was hiding things from someone she was seeing. 

Camila knew her heart belonged to Lauren, but Lauren was not into a relationship meaning Lauren could not give what Camila desired from someone she loved, a steady relationship. She was not sure if Lauren really wanted a relationship or if she just liked her and could not go further than that. Just like Mrs. Lopez said love was not enough, love was built. Camila didn't know if it would be worth it to risk everything for Lauren, time, effort, and utmost of her heart if in the end Lauren would get bored and leave her broken heart considering Lauren was so unpredictable.

Camila grew to like Amber, as she cared for and loved her sincerely. Amber unlike Lauren, always told Camila what was in her mind, with no drama, no unpredictable mood, and none of her exes could be compared to Amber. She could give a steady relationship and Camila felt safe and secure with her. The only thing about Amber was she loved control, more than Lauren who sometimes would let Camila win. Camila needed a lot of patience when came to explaining to Amber that she controlled too much. Camila met her match for being a persistent woman. 

Camila was thinking about whom she should choose, while Lauren on the other side was sleeping the whole day. She could not go to the club for sex and alcohol as Normani dragged Lauren to her home after she got so wasted on Wednesday night, so she could watch her and make sure she was under control. Normani didn't trust Lauren to be alone, remembered what happened to her when Lucy broke up with her, a massive mess to take care of.

At least, Lauren still listened to Normani. She was too tired physically and mentally to argue with Normani. It was Saturday, Lauren knew she could not keep on staying at Normani's but she also knew Normani would not let her go if she was still drunk. Normani would just move to Lauren if it was necessary to look after her. She was in the dining room with Normani having their breakfast.

"Lauren, I will let you go if you promise me, you won't get drunk. If you want to go to the club for sex, no alcohol. it's fine, but I will go with you."

"I just want to go home and sleep. I cannot be here forever, Mani." Lauren said in a flat tone.

Normani looked at Lauren. She looked quite sane at this moment. "Okay, but promise me you won't get drunk and hurt yourself. It's not the end Lauren. You still can fix it."

Lauren didn't say anything, she was trying to push her food down, and she lost her appetite.

"Camila called me. She told me what you told her," no reaction, Normani continued, "She is worried about you. She wants to talk to you."

"She is with her, Mani. Nothing to talk about."

"Lauren, you haven't heard from her side. She has heard yours. I think It would be fair if you also listen to her, what she is going to say."

"Mani... how should I tell you, she rejected me." Lauren was angry

"Did she say it? or she said nothing, and you just made an assumption?" Normani asked for details, as she knew the truth when she talked to Camila. Lauren was quiet.

Normani sighed. She talked to Camila last night over the phone. Camila told her everything including how she felt towards Lauren and Amber. Normani understood Camila's position, and she also told Camila she would understand if, in the end, she chose Amber, even though she would prefer Camila for Lauren, but she knew Lauren was not better than Amber, Amber also was not better than Lauren. It was not about who was a better person. It's about who could make Camila happy, safe, and loved

"You can go. Just promised me you will be good, and talk to Camila. You can not avoid her forever Lauren. If you can't talk to her yet at least answer her text. If you need time, just tell her so. She will wait for you. Okay?"

"Okay," Lauren said and left Normani house. Normani asked Peter to keep an eye on Lauren.

Arrive at her place, Lauren didn't go to bed. She went to the pool and swam as long as possible. After swimming, she made juice for herself and went to her bedroom. She checked her phone which she didn't check since Wednesday. She saw three messages from Camila and three calls from her as well. She was thinking about Camila and what happened at the restaurant.

Although she was sad and hurt, she missed Camila. She was not drunk now. Lauren knew what Normani said was true, she should listen to Camila, too, though she might say she didn't like her. Lauren knew she herself just told Camila she liked her, she didn't say what she wanted from Camila, what she wanted for them. She was just showing her jealousy and anger. It was not a good way how she told Camila about her feeling. She recalled back and realized, she sounded like a spoiled girl who could only complain, not a grown-up woman who expressed her feeling properly and tried to win a heart.

She sighed and decided to text her back, she was not ready to talk to Camila today but she could not wait until Monday, too. It would disturb their work relationship. She was trying and deleting, and typing again to find a way to reply to her, it took her almost an hour, to finish her short text and click the send button.

To Camila: Hi, I am ok. I need time, but we can meet tomorrow.

Camila didn't reply to her after two hours later. She was watching a movie with Amber. Lauren was starting to worry, that Camila didn't want to talk to her anymore, and would be like the days after valentine's Day. Her worry was gone when she saw a text from Camila

From Camila: Hi. Ok. Tomorrow lunch at one? You can choose the place.

To Camila: Ok. At the Italian.

At least, Lauren chose Camila's favorite restaurant, where they would go if Camila wanted a pizza or Italian food. Camila felt relief, Lauren texted her back finally.

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