Chapter 49 : Summer Holiday

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Camila's POV

It was Friday morning, I went to Lauren's office informing her of the daily schedule. She had no meeting with others today, only with me this afternoon for weekly review and preparing for her days off. We developed a new habit, a morning kiss before work started. We were kissing and she stopped and asked me, "Camz, join me on my holiday in Italy!"

"Lauren, I have works to do here."

"You can do it remotely. You don't have to be here. I am not here anyway."

It's true, but it was more convenient to work from here. I didn't want to think of work during my holiday. It was also not a good idea as Lauren would distract me and I would need a lot of self-control to concentrate on my work. She definitely would distract me with that gorgeous body of hers. I would end up doing nothing but cuddling and making love all day with her. It was even worse, no one was there, she could not and would not keep her hands off me.

"Lauren, it is not my holiday, and I don't want to mix holiday with work." I rejected.

"Okay, fly there every weekend."

It was too much work and expensive. I knew she could afford it, "No, Lauren too much work."

She pouted, she was not happy but she was not angry, "You will leave me alone there."

It was not true, she was the one who left me here, "Normani will join you, right?"

"But I want you..."

"I don't have my passport anyway. So next time yea?"

"I can take care of the passport." I knew she could, just one call everything was done, "come on, Camz. It's the summer holiday, You can eat as much pizza as you want."

I didn't know how to turn down her invitation anymore. I also wanted to see Italy. It was a beautiful country and I loved Italian food, but I didn't want to mix work with the holiday.

I took my iPad from her desk, "let me see..." I checked my schedule, and she was nuzzling my neck, "Okay... I will join but not the whole three weeks."


"No, Lauren one."

"Ten days."

"Okay, fine.... but let me work when I have to work."

"Okay. Thank you!" We kissed again before I left her office.

It's Friday, so we had our lunch together. I made Lauren one of her favorites, spaghetti smoked salmon with creamy sauce and a dark chocolate cake which I shared with Mrs. Lopez, Dinah, Louis, Taylor, and others. After lunch, we had our weekly review in Lauren's office. This was the first time we had our meeting which was only Lauren and me after being girlfriends. I doubted how long Lauren could stay professional. I gathered my laptop and all the materials and went to her room.

I just put on the things on the coffee table in the living area, she already hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. "Lauren..." I warned her.


"It's office hours and we got things to do." I sat down and checked my email on my laptop and she sat by my side and started kissing my shoulder and neck again, "Lauren..."

"Five minutes..." I let her have her five minutes and I ignored her concentrating on my laptop.

Five minutes passed, "Okay...let's start!" I stopped her, and she groaned. She didn't stop.

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