Chapter 60 : I Love You

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Lauren's POV

Camila finally said she loved me. I knew she loved me. She showed me how much she loved me every day even though she never said it, but It would be great to hear her say it. Normani told me Camila was not that type who would easily say I love you according to Dinah, but she meant it when she said it. Camila believed what she did was more important than what she said. I did not expect her to say it anymore after many times I told her I loved her, she would just say thank you and kiss me.

She astonished me today. I could feel how much she loved me and I felt so loved staring into those dreamy brown eyes when the owner said the three magic words. The way she called me by full name and then told me she loved it when we were up in the air showed me how serious and romantic she was. I was touched by her genuine love. It made me shed happy tears.

Camila said it again when we were at the restaurant. Hearing those three words made me determined to go with my plan, to propose to her. Normani asked me if I was going to do it. I told her that I would see how things go. I did not know how her parents would react to our relationship, especially her father. If it was up to me, I could not care less. I would always love Camila even if the whole world was against us. However, Camila would be happier if her family would accept me.


We arrived at Camila's parents' house earlier than seven. Camila reminded me not to forget the present for her mother. She arranged it and she did not want me to pay for it. I had met her mother and her sister, but not her father. I was kind of nervous, but not that extremely nervous, just a little bit. I had been going thru so much in my life. It seemed no one could make me feel that way anymore. If there was, it would be Camila. I was not nervous for myself, but for Camila. I hoped her parents would accept me so Camila would be happy.

Her sister opened the door for us, "Welcome to the Cabello's palace..." She smiled and let us in.

Camila, came out with her parents, "Papa, this is Lauren and Normani. This is my dad." Camila introduced us.

I shook his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cabello." I said

"It's my pleasure, Lauren and Normani..." He was smiling and looked friendly, just like Camila, just like the whole family.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Cabello... and this is from us." Normani passed a wine gift basket to Camila's mother.

"Thank you..." Mr. and Mrs. Cabello replied at the same time.

"...and Mrs. Cabello it is for you." I gave the box to her mother. It was a coffee machine. 

" don't have to bring anything. I would still let you date my daughter." She joked. She knew how to lighten the atmosphere just like Dinah. I just smiled, I did not know what to say.

They led us to the dining table. The house was not big but it was warm and well organized. Dinah was so excited about all the food on the table. "Sinu... It's so much and smells so good... I love you." She hugged Sinu excitedly. Dinah could not wait to start dinner.

"Make yourself at home, ladies..." Camila's mother said.

I was confused with all the food on the table. There were so many. It was like a feast and everything looked delicious. Camila who sat next to me took a chicken leg for me, "try this...Cuban chicken."

"Mani, try the chicken, you will love it." She told Normani

Normani enjoyed the chicken most. Dinah was just like Camila, they ate almost everything. Camila would let me try from her plate since I could not eat as much as she and Dinah did. As usual, I did not talk much but they always included me in the conversation. Nobody was left out on this table including Sofia. The dinner was very cozy. It was warm and full of laughter. I did not have such a privilege in my life. I looked at them, they all looked happy. I could see where Camila's cheerfulness come from. She was growing up in a happy and lovely family, unlike me.

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