Chapter 44 : Would You...?

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Camila's POV

I spent my Friday evening with Dinah. We went to the food festival after work, enjoying the food and the night sky of the city. When we were in the car, my phone rang and I asked Dinah to take it out of my bag as I was driving. Dinah looked at me confused, "Mila, It's Childish Boss ?" Dinah questioned the name.

I saved Lauren's number under Childish Boss, "It's Lauren."

Dinah laughed, "You want to answer it?"

"Why is she calling me this time?"

"Well, you will know if you answer it."

"Can you put it on, please"

Camila: Hi, Lauren.

Lauren: Camila

Lauren: ...

Camila: Yes, Lauren?

Lauren: Are you busy?

Camila: I am driving... and with Dinah.

Dinah: Hi, Lauren!

Lauren: Oh, Hi, Dinah. I will call back later, let me know when you are free!

Camila: Okay!

Lauren: Okay, Bye!

Camila: Bye!

I saw Dinah was silent and typing something on my phone. "DJ, what are you doing?" she could be sneaky and do something embarrassing.

She didn't say anything, but from her evil grin, "Dinah.... what are you doing?"

She laughed, "Mila, time to change from childish boss to hot boss."

I rolled my eyes, but indeed Lauren was hot, I could not deny that, nobody could deny that. When we arrived at our building, I checked my phone in the elevator. Lauren sent three messages and two calls before she called me for the third time.

From Lauren: Hi, Camila (at 7.27 p.m.)

From Lauren: Camila (at 7.33 p.m.)

From Lauren: Camila?? (at 8.27 p.m.)

"Can't wait to call back the boss, Mila?" Dinah teased me again.

"No DJ, I am afraid it will be too late to call. Unless something urgent."

"Call her, Mila. She is waiting for you."


We reached our apartment and said good night to each other. I went to my bedroom and had a quick refresh. It was ten thirty and I decided to text Lauren, before I got a shower, so it would not be too late.

To Lauren: Hi, Lauren. Why did you call me, is there anything I can help with?

It was Lauren, she would call instead of replying to my text.

Camila : Hi!

Lauren : Hi!

Lauren : ...

Camila : Eh, Lauren...yea ?

Lauren: Camila, what are you doing tomorrow?

Camila: Hmm... nothing specific planned. Thinking of swimming, and will see after that. Why? (was she going to ask me to come to her place to make her lunch again? Did it mean she knew I was not seeing Amber anymore, or....)

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