Chapter 29: New Year's Eve

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Camila's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself not in my bed. I looked around and I didn't recognize where I was but I was in a comfortable bed. I was still in my yesterday clothes, at least I felt relief. I tried to recall I was drinking in Lauren's living room last night. The last thing I remembered was I was looking for my bag and car key to go home. I saw my phone by the nightstand and a glass of water. I drank it and checked my phone I have three texts and nine calls from Dinah, so I texted her. There were also texts from Normani and Lauren

From Lauren: Good morning, you are in my guest room.

From Normani : Hi, Camila. How is it going?

To Dinah: Hi Dee, sorry. I stayed at Lauren's I will be back before lunch.

To Normani: Hi, Normani. So far it is good. Lauren will come to our little party

After checking my phone, I went to the bedroom to refresh myself. I found my bag on the chair in the bedroom, I took them with me and went out to find Lauren. She was cooking something in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I greeted Lauren.

She half turned around, "Hey, you slept well?" she looked at me with a spatula in her hand. I was looking at her, she looked so gorgeous. Her morning hair was so natural and she looked relaxed. I was so into enjoying her beautiful face and forgot to answer her.

"Camila?" She called me again

"Uh, yea it's a good bed, sorry I was off last night." I sit down on the chair by the kitchen island.

She smiled, "you cannot drink more than five glasses."

"Sorry, did I say or do something stupid?" I asked Lauren

"No, you didn't. Just insisted to drive home when you could barely stand up and walk." Lauren laughed and put a plate of banana pancakes in front of me. It looked delicious

I was so excited about the breakfast, "thank you, I don't know you can make a pancake."

"Camila, I live alone, I know how to survive." She said

"No, I mean it looks very professional, look at this pancake and banana, yummy." I was waiting for her to join me so that I could taste the pancake soon.

She came back with a jar of orange juice, "It's banana and I double the portion, should be enough for you?"

She knew that I loved bananas, It's so sweet, and she knew I ate a lot, "thank you..." I was embarrassed about the portion and happy that Lauren paid attention to what I loved and how much I ate.

We enjoyed our breakfast peacefully. Lauren made a good pancake. I had to go back before I went to uncle mike for lunch. "Lauren, thank you. It was so delicious. I didn't know my boss is a professional pancake maker." She didn't say anything just looked and me and smiled, "I need to go now, need to meet Dinah for preparing stuff for tonight, otherwise she would kill me."

"Okay." Lauren stood up and put everything away into the dishwasher.

"Lauren, didn't you want to come and join the lunch?"

"No, Camila. He didn't invite me"

"I asked him if you will be there. He said, you won't come, but he will be happy if I could bring you there." Lauren didn't say anything. I knew they didn't have a good relationship but I didn't know the exact reason. I would be happy if Lauren could join, but I was not going to push her if it would make her unhappy. "Okay" She accompanied me to my car.

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