Chapter 32: The Lawyer was Here

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Camila's P.O.V.

January went by fast, it was the last week of January. I had gone out with Shawn for the fourth time and we regularly texted each other on weekdays. I found it nice talking to him. He was so attentive and never ignored me or my texts and I appreciated it much.

Meanwhile, in the office, Lauren could act as her wish, I could not care less. I called her Ms. Jauregui again, instead of her name, since she wanted to keep it professional. I knew she was annoyed, she didn't call my name or my last name. She was just that Lauren I knew on the first few days. I could live with that was used to it within.

Shawn asked me to accompany him to a club for his friend's birthday. I agreed to go with him even though I was not a club person, but he had been so sweet and I liked spending time with him, he was so happy with that. It's seven thirty, Shawn was picking me up., we went straight to the club. It's a high-end club. It was not surprising as Shawn was coming from a rich family and most of his friends were rich, too.

I enjoyed myself in the club for the first time, probably it was a high-end club and everything was on the house tonight. My excitement didn't last long after I saw Lauren was there. She was sitting by the VIP corner with three women. This was the first time I saw her in the club. She saw me but I ignored her. I tried to stay away from her sight and stayed by Shawn's side.

The night was getting wild, and Shawn was starting to get tipsy. I didn't trust my drunk self in the club, so I avoided drinking too much, two was the maximum. Shawn excused himself to the bathroom, and I was sitting by the bar with my drink when a man with short blonde hair came to me trying to flirt with me. I hoped Shawn would be back soon, as I didn't want to make a scene. Ten minutes passed, this creepy guy didn't give up, and Shawn was nowhere to be seen. I decided to leave but he stopped me.

"Hey, don't go yet!" He stopped me pulling me back to my seat.

"Let me go!" I told him

"I will if you just have one drink with me." He passed me a glass. I knew it was not a safe drink. He looked at me with a creepy smile. I was shocked when suddenly someone hugged me from behind.

"Hey, Babe, You need more drink?" It was Lauren. I felt relief even though I was not in a good term with her. She put her hand on my waist possessively, like I was her woman.

"No, I am okay." I didn't want to drink more.

"Jose, three wise men, please!" Lauren yelled at the bartender who she knew by name.

"Right away, Ms. J." The bartender said, it was obvious Lauren was a regular or VIP customer.

She took her shot, and she pushed the drink that the guy offered me back to him, "Gentleman, I would drink on behalf of my baby," she stroked my face gently and looked at my eyes and then my lips, "and you please drink yours." Lauren challenged him.

The guy laughed, "no, it's okay, sorry I didn't know she was with you, " he lifted both hands and wanted to leave, but Lauren stopped him.

"Hey, I didn't say you can leave," Lauren said her mood was dark.

She walked closer to the guy who was standing in front of me who was ready to leave.

"What do you want, bitch?" The guy challenged her back. He was ready to fight Lauren.

I pulled Lauren's hand, "Lauren, leave it!" she ignored me, she took the drink from the guy and put it aside, then she took her shot and finished it.

Before I knew it, she was hitting the guy on his head with a bottle that I didn't see her took it. The guy was, holding his bleeding head. Lauren didn't waste any second, she punched him until he fell down on the floor. Her eyes were dark, her face was furious, and her punch was strong. She was a monster. I was horrified. Nobody got near to stop her. She continued kicking the guy who was helpless on the floor. Three securities came but they didn't stop her. They seemed, hesitant to stop her. One of them said, "Ms. J, let us take care of him." She didn't stop, she could kill him anytime sooner.

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