Chapter 37 : I Like You

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Narrator's POV

Lauren spent her weekend with Normani. They didn't talk much about Camila. Normani didn't want to push her to talk, it was not a good time. She just reminded Lauren, to just tell Camila how she felt, regardless she was officially seeing Amber or not. Lauren only said yes, but she didn't want to discuss further it.

On the other side, Camila spent her weekend with Amber and Dinah. She was worried about Lauren, but she didn't want to text her. As she had told herself, she didn't want to get involved too far with Lauren's personal life. Amber asked Camila to be her girlfriend when they went out for dinner on Saturday. Camila didn't say yes, but she also didn't reject her as she wanted to try with Amber. They agreed to take their time to get to know each other before they went further to make the thing official. Camila quite liked her, as she treated her well better than any of her exes.

Lauren and Amber shared some main traits. Both are alpha females and loved control. They were a beast in their business and industries. They were well known and famous among the models. The one thing which very obvious that differentiated them was Amber believed in love and relationship, meanwhile, Lauren was known for no love and no committed relationship involved. This one last thing made Camila decide to try with Amber and forget about her feeling for Lauren.

Monday came, and Lauren was planning to express her feeling to Camila during their sushi lunch on Wednesday. She would wait two more days to talk to Camila. She was quiet in the office, not in her bad mood or good mood. Camila wanted to ask Lauren about the Friday night why she got so drunk, but she didn't want to pry. She asked Lauren casually when she went to her room to inform her daily schedule.

"Good morning, Lauren! How was your weekend?" Camila asked looking at her tried to analyze her mood.

"Good, Camila!" Lauren was looking at her, she was still wearing a high-neck top and a watch.

Camila noticed her eyes went to her watch, "how about yours?"

"Good. you don't have any meetings today. I would send you last week's documents from the meetings. Let me know if you need anything, I will be in my room." Camila looked at Lauren, she didn't like how Lauren's eyes looked. They were dull and lost somewhere.

"Okay." Camila looked at her one more time before she turned to leave, "Camila."

Camila turned around, "Yes."

"We will have sushi lunch on Wednesday, won't we?"

"Yes, sure." Camila smiled and left the room

Wednesday was here, Lauren was feeling antsy the whole morning. She didn't know how Camila would react. Camila saw Lauren was not in her bad mood but not in her good mood, too. She was thinking to ask Lauren during lunch if she wanted to share anything. Although she was learning to let her feeling for Lauren go, she still cared about her. She totally still cared about Lauren, She would care about her forever.

They went to the sushi place one later than usual. They had placed their orders and waited for the waitress to bring them their lunch. Camila used this chance to ask Lauren.

"Lauren, is everything okay? You seem quite these days?" she asked her gently.

Lauren looked at her and looked away, "I am fine, just tired and hungry," she didn't want to look at Camila when she replied, as Camila would know and give her that look, saying you were not telling the truth

"Okay, if you need somebody to talk to, I am here. Ok?" Camila knew Lauren didn't have many friends, and she was quite open to Camila, besides Normani and Halsey. Camila didn't know how was Lauren and Kendall's relationship, as mentioned in the media. Lauren didn't see Kendall only once.

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