Broken Darling

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Ask: How do you think they'll react to a broken darling?

Tw: brief suicide mention,


    There's a lot of confusion for Melone. He's not as brutal or punishing as the others, Melone prefers restraints and isn't one to take the beating route. Plenty of your days aren't spent together because Melone doesn't force you to stay in his home. How did you end up like this?

    When he views the cameras he's installed around your home, melone focuses on your behavior and what little routine you have. This way he can ensure you're at least alive for the time being. Once his schedule is clear or he can come and visit Melone tries to coax a few words out of you. Asking you how you're feeling and if there's anything he could do to make you happy again.


    It's not the worst thing that has happened to your relationship. You're easier to take care of this way and there isn't anymore fighting or pushing for more than he gave you. But, knowing he pushed you to a point of emptiness makes him reconsider his tactics to ensure your safety. What good is his efforts to protect you if it negatively affects you this much?

    While the deadbolts will remain, Risotto is willing to let you out anytime he's home, it doesn't have to be a rainy day. He'd rather stay home and relax around you but he always promised that you'd be granted that privilege once you accept him fully. If you are broken to the point where you're less likely to eat or drink unless he forces you he locks up all sharp objects and medications to prevent a possible suicide attempt.


    Hates the vacant stare in your eyes, it's almost as if you're not even there. This is an uncomfortable period for him. Without any response or emotion from you, he starts to regret bringing you home. At first, he honestly thought having you with him would ease you into your new life with him. Instead, he made you lose all the traits and wonders that enticed him.

    But that won't stop him from craving his cookie crumble any less. Instead of relying on you to dote on him and cater to his needs, Formaggio does so for you. He'll dress and bathe you too if you lack the energy to do it yourself. When he's serving you some takeout or sitting you at the bar for a drink, he will continue to joke around and fill the new silence with laughter. Until you can regain a bit of your old self Formaggio will treat you like his precious doll.


    Can't decide if he's more upset with himself for your mental absence or to shift the blame on you. This is not what he wanted. This is way more than he bargained for. You refuse to eat any of the food, you stopped drinking water, and you only ever want to sit in bed. All because you're upset that you can't have your way, it's bad enough you don't even follow the current routine.

    This will be the first time in a while that he's feeling remorse for his behavior. During the mornings before he leaves he'll eat his small breakfast next to you, pushing small bits past your lips, and will ask you to speak, even if it's about how much you hate him.

    Tends to have a one-sided argument with your tired form about why it was necessary to treat you the way he does and that you would've been fine if you just loved him. For a brief period Illuso won't be the flirty, teasing man he used to be.

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