Can You Cook?

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Request: So, its already been established that sorbet and gelato would never really let their darling in the kitchen to help with cooking, but which ones would (with supervision)?


     There isn't much of a fight to keep you away from the kitchen and he's not going to be breathing down your neck while you chop up vegetables. Since Formaggio tends to stay out during the day he's usually too tired to cook a meal so he brings food home unless he persuades you to have something ready for him. There are days Formaggio is in the kitchen but he doesn't let you help because you're too much of a distraction.


     Ghiaccio doesn't care who cooks the food as long as it's delicious. The unspoken rule is that whoever isn't busy or has nothing to do should be the one preparing the meal. That's not to say you'd get yelled at for resisting but there's an obvious strain on Ghiaccio's patience when you've had the time to at least get the ingredients ready for him but decided to do nothing. Your cooking or baking privileges are revoked once you try to taint Ghiaccio's food though.


     Illuso can whip up a decent meal when he feels like it but he'd prefer to have you cook the food if you're a better cook than him. Illuso believes his threats or previous acts of violence is more than enough to keep you from poisoning the food. Instead of keeping an eye on you Illuso will entertain himself as he waits, just don't burn anything because he'll go into one of his moods.


     It's best that you help him out, Melone isn't the best at cooking because he tends to leave the kitchen to do other things. If you express an interest in the kitchen he'll buy you some cute aprons to wear as you work, even though seeing you in an apron gives him unsavory thoughts that distract him. Melone won't stand over you because there's other things he could be doing but if you need a Sous-chef let him know.


     At first Pesci is the one to make any snack or meal, never asking you to lift a finger because he likes caring for you. He becomes more open to letting you cook on your own after you've started returning his feelings but Pesci stays in the kitchen to offer his assistance. You're allowed to cook on your own as long as there hasn't been any tension in the air or recent escape attempts.


     As you were being trained to be his ideal darling, Prosciutto bought you a few recipe books to get you started even if you were already a decent cook. You're expected to deliver a delectable meal to him three times a day throughout the week. There are times Prosciutto will roll up his sleeves and do the bare minimum to assist you, most of the time he'll leave you unsupervised to unwind until you call him for dinner.


     Risotto, like Gelato, loves eating! Oftentimes eating more than three times a day to feel full, he says it's okay since he works out every day. You're welcome to cook as long as you make enough for him too! He'll teach you how to make his favorite meals since he already knows what you like. There's not a worry in his mind that you'll do something ridiculous since he took care of any chemicals or poisons you could slip into the food.

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